Another ask from @ShadowClaw0902 asking joker who does he have a crush on?
Joker-crush?! Psshhhh I dont have a crush!! What are you talking about?!!*looks in hand which has a picture of batman with a heart around it then quickly puts picture in pocket*
Harley-*behind him mouthing the words' batman it's batman!! He likes b-man!! *
Joker-*turns around and looks at her*
Harley-*stands still, smiles innocently, and waves*
Joker-*sighs and turns back around *don't listen to her it's definitely not bats
Harley-*jumps up in down behind him holding his journal with little doodles of batman and joker with hearts*
Joker-*grabs journal and walks away*
Ask/Dare Lego Batman Movie
De Todoso basically like it says you can ask or/and dare any Lego Batman movie character that you want!