flirty batman

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From Mortytheslut :I dare Batman to flirt with joker.

Batman:*sighs*I'm just going to stop fighting it. Why is it always I have to flirt, slow dance, kiss with joker?! Please literally anyone else!!

Robin:but you have so many fans, they do it cause they love you!


Robin:you have more fans than Superman, and if you don't do what the fans want then that will probably change

Batman:well what are we waiting for? I got to find joker!

*Later that night*

Batman:so joker how's it going?~

Joker:*very confused*umm....

Batman:you come here often?~

Joker:I'm at Arkham

Batman:you're so beautiful, you made me forget my pick-up line.

Joker-go home bats.

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