Part I: A Meeting

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The first time Merlin saw Arthur, he was convinced he was a clotpole. An idiot. A prat. He was strutting around the streets of Camelot as if he owned them. Well, technically he did, but Merlin refused to think that Camelot would one day belong to this child. Arthur was, in fact, the same age as Merlin, but Merlin refused to acknowledge that fact, as well.

Even as these thoughts of horror swirled around Merlin’s mind, he couldn’t deny the instant attraction that he also felt towards the young prince. As soon as Merlin cast one glance towards that fair head of blonde hair, he knew that his fingers wanted nothing more than to run through it. Those blue eyes had more depth than any oceans in the world. But Arthur’s intense arrogance; his way of holding himself as if he were so much more superior than everyone around him boiled Merlin’s blood. Merlin prided himself on his sense of equality. That all humans deserved a fair life. He knew instantly that Arthur would not share in his views. He was probably just as ruthless as his father, or at least one day he would be. It would be best if Merlin steered well clear of the young prince of Camelot. Nothing but trouble would come from any sort of interaction between them.

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