Part VI: Girls

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There were few things that Merlin hated more than when Arthur was surrounded by girls. He basked in their attention like it was the rays from the sun. Merlin despised these moments. And not simply because they made him jealous that Arthur was not looking at him like that. Well, perhaps he hated it because it arose in him a kind of jealousy not to be rivalled.

On this particular day, Arthur was busy wooing one girl. And her name was Lillian. Merlin had always liked the name, but mayhap he was not so fond of it any more. As much as Merlin would have love to revelled in the fact that the girl was not beautiful … well, it simply was not fact. This Lillian creature was gorgeous. Her midnight hair was braided halfway down her back, and her dark chocolate eyes sparkled with delight whenever Arthur made a joke. More often than not Merlin was the heart of these jokes. Something that Merlin sincerely did not appreciate.

“And then he said ‘it was not me, sire!’” Arthur bellowed.

Lillian laughed softly, casting an almost apologetic glance in Merlin’s general direction. Merlin inclined his head slightly. Why did the girl have to be so nice? Couldn’t she be simply horrid? It would be much easier for Merlin to hate every girl that Arthur spoke to if they were all disgusting creatures. Not lovely ones.

The yellow skirts of Lillian’s dress swished softly against the floor when she rose from her place at Arthur’s side.

Dipping slightly at the waist, she informed Arthur that she must be getting to bed. Merlin realised that it was approaching an inappropriate hour for young lady such as her to be about without an escort. Even if the presence was that of the prince of Camelot.

“Of course, Lady Lillian. Merlin will escort you back to your chambers.” The last word slurred slightly on Arthur’s tongue. Merlin narrowed his eyes. He did not feel like cleaning up his prince’s sickness again.

Merlin waited for Lillian to exit the dining room before following her out the doors. Before he completely disappeared from the room, Arthur called out to him.


Without turning, Merlin replied, “Yes, my lord?”

“I need you to return here after escorting Lady Lillian.”

Merlin nodded in acquiescence, and hurried after Lillian. He found her waiting at the corner of the hallway.

“I’m so sorry, milady. Arthur needed to speak with me for a moment.”

Lillian waved a hand. “No matter, Merlin. May I call you Merlin?”

Merlin nodded.

She smiled. If Merlin was swayed be feminine charm, his heart would have stuttered. Lillian truly was beautiful. No wonder Arthur couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

Lillian leaned into Merlin conspiratorially. “Good. May I tell you a secret, Merlin?”

“Why of course, milady,” Merlin replied, leaning towards the girl.

“I do not fancy your prince.” Her smile once again lit up her face, and her eyes gleamed with a kind of mischief.

Merlin looked away towards the iron casings of the torch on the wall. He had never before noticed how intricately the metal was weaved.

“He is not my prince, milady.”

Lillian placed a hand on Merlin’s arm, laughing lightly. “Oh, Merlin. You do not fool me. I see the way you look at him.”

Merlin’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief.

She nodded. “It’s very clear, Merlin. You care deeply for Arthur, do you not?”

Merlin opened his mouth several times before whispering, “Yes.”

Lillian smiled once again. “Never worry, Merlin. I see happiness in your future!”

And with that, the beautiful lady disappeared into her chambers, leaving a bemused Merlin outside.


When Merlin returned to the dining room, Arthur was asleep. His head rested upon his arms, which were spread out on the table. He was even snoring lightly. Merlin shook his head at the prince. Why didn’t he just go to bed? Merlin made his way over to him, tugging on his arm gently.

“Arthur, you have to get to bed. A table is no place to sleep.”

The prince mumbled something incoherent, hitting at Merlin with his hand.

“Arthur, please. Uther cannot find you here.”

At this, Arthur reluctantly raised his head from its place on the wooden table. “Why must you ruin my fun, Merlin?”

“I would hardly call sleeping on an uncomfortable table fun, but to each his own,” Merlin replied, hoisting Arthur up by the waist. He couldn’t think in times such as these. His arms … on Arthur’s waist. Stop it right now.

Walking down the dimly lit corridors of the castle the prince and his manservant made their way to Arthur’s chambers. Merlin received knowing glances from guards the entire way there. They knew how Arthur liked his liquor sometimes. They had all been witness to ridiculous antics on behalf of the prince. But they loved the young man like a brother.

Wrestling the doors to Arthur’s chamber open with one hand, Merlin dragged the prince to his bed, all but throwing him down on the mattress.

“Don’t manhandle your prince, Merlin,” Arthur mumbled into his pillow.

“I wouldn’t have to if he acted like a prince,” Merlin retorted.

Arthur cracked one eye open, and glared at Merlin.

Merlin sighed. “Just go to sleep, Arthur.”

Sire,” Arthur said vehemently.

Merlin rolled his eyes before repeating Arthur’s word.

“Goodnight, Merlin,” Arthur mumbled, half asleep before the words escaped his mouth.

Pulling the blanket up to cover his prince, Merlin replied the same.


Lady Lillian left the castle the next morning. But there was no reprieve for Merlin’s distaste of the affections Arthur received from women. That night, there was yet another beauty attached to Arthur’s arm. Merlin approached them slowly. Again, this girl was beautiful. It seemed Arthur had a penchant for dark beauties. The red dress accentuated the auburn highlights in her dark hair, and brought out the lightness in her eyes. She smiled warmly as Merlin approached.

“Merlin, this is Lady Joséphine. She will be dining with me tonight,” Arthur informed Merlin.

Merlin bowed at the waist. “A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Lady Joséphine.”

“No, no. The pleasure is all mine. I have been hearing of nothing but Merlin all evening!” Joséphine replied, smiling at Merlin.

Merlin’s cheeks blushed a bright red, as did Arthur’s.

“Not all evening, Joséphine,” Arthur choked.

The lady laughed knowingly. “Just the majority of it. But no matter, sire. I can understand why.” And with a wink in Merlin’s direction, the Lady Joséphine glided off towards another handsome guard, although he was no patch on Arthur.

Arthur looked from the lady to Merlin, and back again before stalking off.

It would be a lot easier to hate every woman that Arthur gave attention to, if they were not so lovely, Merlin thought to himself. And whatever did Joséphine mean when she said Arthur had spoken of me? Should couldn’t mean – no. Stop, Merlin. Nothing can come of thoughts like that. Arthur is your prince, and nothing more. It simply cannot happen.

With one more longing glance cast in Arthur’s direction, Merlin continued with his duties.

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