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The loud music and sweaty bodies surrounded Christian as he danced

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The loud music and sweaty bodies surrounded Christian as he danced. The hybrid was dancing with two others, a blonde haired female sandwiched between the curly haired boy and a dirty blonde male. Christian no doubt was enjoying the company, the girl was beautiful and the guy was definitely attractive.

Their bodies danced to the beat of the music, and Christian smirked as the blonde girl with the name he couldn't remember looked up at him and smashed their lips together. Their swollen lips moving messily together in a heated kiss, she moaned.

Her arms reached to wrap around his neck, but he quickly pulled away with a teasing smile, his blue eyes meeting the males before back down to her brown ones. She frowned.

The curly haired boy looked up to meet icy blue eyes were staring at him with complete want and lust. His smiled couldn't help but widen, pushing the girl aside a bit Christian's lips captured his.

The girl scoffed before disappearing in the crowd of people, the two boys not paying her any attention. The boys were to engulfed in one another to notice, Christian slightly towered over the other boy but it only made him smirk against the boy's lips.

Christian gripped the guy's waist tightly and a growl sounded from his chest as the male pulled at his curly hair.

the make out session was short lived when someone roughly collided with the curly haired boy's shoulder. Christian had pulled away from the lip lock to see his red headed friend Clary pushing past him.

"Clary?" he called out, but she ignored him pushing her way through people as she made her way to the back of the club.
Christian noticed the shadowhunters who had got past the curtains, and it didn't take long for Christian to connect the dots.

He had to stop her.

"Uh.. I have to go! But um.. you're really gorgeous and we should definitely continue this sometime so uh. here's my number. Call me!"
Christian pulled out a pen from his jean pocket and sloppily wrote down his number with a small heart drawn right next to it.

Shooting the boy a wink as he stood there shocked, Christian quickly made his way into the crowd to follow his friend.

Pushing through the sweaty bodies, his eyes never leaving the red head as he followed her.

"Clary!" he called out but she didn't hear him and kept on moving forward. He quickly pushed through the crowd, practically on her tail his blue eyes now glowing a ember. "Jocelyn just had to keep secrets from her." he grumbled out.

The fiery redhead moved past the crowd and into a curtain where the three shadowhunters were in. Christian had made it just in time to see a blonde boy in all black with runes covering his body standing next to a female in hideous purple dress, pull out a seraph blade.

The boy didn't realize what was happening till he watched his best friend push the women out of the way, and tentacles like things sprouted from her mouth. That's when all hell broke loose. The blonde boy pushed Clary out the way as he slashed at the demon advancing towards him.

"Damn it Clarissa!" the curly haired boy growled, he didn't have has seraph blades on him. Two demon made there way towards him, circling him. His eyes narrowed, and his face morphed. His sea blue eyes now a burning ember, and his face wolf like.

He bared his canines, as he swiped at the demons. It only took minutes before Christian had successfully killed them both, but only for another to attack him. The demon had came up behind him, wrapping his arm around his neck tightly Christian struggled.

The demon tentacle pierced the nape of the curly headed boy's neck and he couldn't help roar out. His body going rigid for a few seconds as venom began to seep into his veins.

Christian continued to try and fight against him, but his body was being to grow tired and his face was turning red from demon having in a choke hold. Desperately trying to claw the demon's hands off him or he was going to die.

The demon suddenly let go of the boy and he stumbled, quickly catching himself and turned around just in time to see a raven hair boy stab the demon that just had held him a choke hold moments ago. The two boy's eyes met and they couldn't help but gaze at each other.

Both boy's in complete awe of thee other but it was short lived when the redheaded girl Clarissa had grabbed Christian's hand and quickly pulled him out the room. Christian had totally forgotten about the demon bite, or the boy he was dancing with earlier the only thing he could focus on were on those hazel green eyes.

The raven haired boy watched as the two disappeared, and he couldn't help but get a funny feeling in his chest when he stared into that boy's blue eyes, with specks of gold.

The Lightwood boy only hoped that wouldn't be the last time he saw him.


sorry for such a long wait! I know this chapter is short but honestly.. I just wanted them to meet and y'all see the short connection they make with their eyes before all the crazy shit starts happening. I hope you forgive me. I'll probs update again later, and might edit this but none the less enjoy.

Let me know what you wants want to see happen.

BARELY BREATHING • ALEC LIGHTWOODWhere stories live. Discover now