School Day

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A/N: 132 VIEWS! AND ITS ONLY BEEN 2 DAYS FROM 70 VIEWS. LIKE HOLY SHET! Anyways on to the chapter.

707 POV

"So, when do we tell her that I'm V and your Luciel?" V asked. "When I am finished updating the security and leave this place," I answer. "Then why did I have to tag along?" V raised an eyebrow. "That's a secret," I tease. I look back on my computer and I could tell from the corner of my eye that V rolled his eyes.

**The next day**

Your POV

"Y/N, WAKE UP! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I hear my mom scream. I pick up my phone to see that it's 7:57 AM. 'Shit. I need to be there by 8:15'. I jumped out of my bed and ran around looking for clothes. I settled for leggings, a spaghetti strap top, and a sweat shirt. I quickly brush my teeth and hair and grabbed my phone and bag. I checked the time again and it was 8:00 AM. "Dad, take me to school, PLEASE!" I pleaded. "Alright, let's go," he said calmly.

We opened the door and headed over to our car. We got in the car and dad started the car. I kept checking the time every few seconds. Luckily, I got to school at 8:07 AM, but I realized that I haven't eaten breakfast. 'God, I'm going be hungry the whole day' I complained in my mind. I wasn't wrong. Immediately, right after I thought that, I start becoming hungry.

The warning bell rang and the school all went to their own classes and I head to my class, history.

I enter the classroom and take my seat and wait for the bell ring for school to start. For what seemed to be forever, the school bell finally rang. "Good morning, class," (history teacher) greeted. "Good morning," we greeted back. "Pull out piece of paper, something to write with," s/he commanded. We pull out a piece of paper and pencil or pen and took notes of the lesson.

The period ended and our teacher dismissed us to go to our second period. "Go spread love and joy, children" s/he dismissed. We walked out of the classroom and head to our second period classroom.

I head to my (elective) class and I start working on project I've been working on for months, maybe for whole semester. My teacher approved and I was the highest in my class. I got to the half-way point in finishing point when the 5 minute bell rang. I got up helped my class clean up until the bell dismissed us.

The dismissal bell ring and I left the classroom for 3rd period, science. We used graphs for temperature and pressure and all that. Everything was just a blur because of dividing all the numbers just made me insane. All I remember just getting up from my chair after the the dismissal bell rang.

I take out my phone and power it on, then immediately put it back in my pocket before a teacher could see it. My friend catches up to me and hugs me from behind. "Oh, hey Faith," I greeted. "Boo" *screams in Korean* I turn around to see my friend, Stephan, scared me. "Stop doing that!" I yelled. "Nah fam, you're to smol," he denied. "What does that have to do with anything!" I yelled again. He replies with a smirk. I roll my eyes as we head to the cafeteria with our other friends.

We arrive to our destination and sit at our usual spot, by the exit door. I take out my phone and go on the messenger. My friend saw me go in the messenger and the chatroom. "Ooohh. Is that your boyfriend in secret?" Faith teased. "Oh, I have a boyfriend? Where?" I tease back. We both laugh and take out our lunches and start eating it while we eat for our other friends.

I look at the online participants and saw that Yoosung and Zen was on. I enter the chatroom and start texting them.

U/N has entered the chatroom

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