*insert good title here*

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A/n: Hello, sweeties. Are you ready to continue this book. *sees that it's Sunday* FUUUUUU I'M ONE DAY LATE FOR THIS GODDAMN BULLSHI-

*Wednesday, 4 days before the party*

Crap. I can't find my friend that I am suppose to walk with. You see, it's a Wednesday and I always walk with a friend. Oh well, it wouldn't hurt if walked alone, I mean I do this at half way point to home. I pull out my phone and plug in my head phone. I scroll through my phone when my online friend texted me.


Bun Bun: What are you listening to?

P_Sherman: This song is called "Bagsakan" (A/N: sorry, I'm currently listening to the song and I really like the song. NANDITO NA SI CHITO. SI CHITO MIRANDA)

Bun Bun: Wait, isn't that like Tagalog

P_Sherman: Yea....

Bun Bun: You do realize I don't understand Tagalog


Bun Bun: Fine

I stopped scrolling through my playlist and went on youtube to search up the song. I pressed the video and it played. I started my route to home.

I was at stoplight when the song ended. It was not bad. Of course, I didn't understand what they were saying since it was, one, it's in Tagalog, and two, it's too fast. I turn off my phone and crossed the road.

I walk down the route as I glance at my phone at a writing prompt on Instagram. (A/N: *wink wink* ;) keep this in mind later) I keep walking until I spot a familiar couple sitting down at a table. I keep walking towards them and tap the smaller man's shoulder's. "Hey, Alex," the man turned around and smiled. "Oh hey, Y/N" he smiled. His child and husband turned and smiled.

"So, how is the party going?" Alex asked. "It's going great!" I smile. "We got around 20 people invited and out of those 20, I got 15 people to come to the party. The other 5 hasn't responded yet," I answer. "That's awesome!" Phillip beamed. I ruffle his hair. "Anyways, what are doing alone?" Thomas asked. "I walk home alone every Wednesday. How about you," I respond. "Just a walk," he smiled.

"Anyways, I got to go home before my parents wonder where I am," I waved bye. They waved good-bye as I walked home. 

A/N: *internal screaming* I HAVE SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY. *cries* anyways, you guys have 3 weeks to decide on a dress. (which is on "the dress pt.2") here's the polls so far

The black dress (top left): 1

the dress but not really a dress (top right): 1

the blue dress (middle left): 2

the mail dress idk (middle right): 0

the pink/magenta dress (bottom): 0

(Also that author note up there. yea it was supposed to be a Brandon roger's reference)

(also, if your confused why Alex asks about the party. It's because you already invited him. I just didn't mention him or the other emails. Whoops)

(Also, I didn't bother to edit this, so don't mind my mistakes)

13 Year-Old Party Planner (Mystic Messenger)Where stories live. Discover now