Ryan's surprise

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Right before they started to talk other Ryan or Bazamalam came to start recording for 8-BitGaming. Y/N didn't understand why other Ryan was here because all she did was watch 8-BitRyan.

Ryan's P.O.V

Y/N was confused when other Ryan came in and I totally forgot that we were supposed to record today I was so happy that Y/N was back. So I told her that I had another YouTube Channel called 8-BitGaming and suggested her to watch it when we were recording our video for today. She got out her phone and looked up our channel and put in her headphones and started to watch a video so then we decided to go record while she was doing that. 

Y/N's P.O.V

Ryan told me to look up his and other Ryan's channel so I got on YouTube and looked up there channel and put in my headphones and started watching their "Emily wants to play" videos. As soon as I was done watching those videos I looked up and the boys where gone so I figured that they went to record a video so then I went back to YouTube and decided to watch f/yt. I was watching a horror video from f/yt when Ryan came up behind me and scared the shit out of me and started laughing. After I calmed down from being scared I asked him what surprise did he have for me then he put the blindfold back around my head and lead me to his car and for some reason. As so has he put it on me I asked do I have to wear this stupid cloth and he said "Yes". I let a sigh and let him put it on and asked what is your weird obsession with blind folding me today  and all I hear was him laugh and say "You will see."

Other Ryan's P.O.V

After we where done recording for today Ryan asked me to record what his surprise for Y/N and I said yes. Ryan was sneaking up on Y/N I told him not to because she was watching f/yt play a horror game but he didn't listen to me he just said "don't worry we used to do this all the time to each other when we were kids". He has told me how he feels about her I kept trying to tell him to tell her but he is to scared to and I am thinking about telling her myself about he feels. I was not paying attention when Y/N and Ryan were laughing. I then heard Y/N sigh and turn around for Ryan to put the blind fold back on her and to head to the car but Ryan saw me zoning out and then he snapped me out of my thoughts.

Y/N's P.O.V
I was watching f/yt playing Alone and then the next thing I know I was jumping off the couch and  screaming thanks to Ryan so after that Ryan told me that he wanted to take me somewhere so he put the blind fold back around my head but before he did I asked if I had to and he said yes and the I sighed and asked him what his problem with blind folding me today. Then walked me back out to the car. Both Ryan's and me where in the car and the boys were talking to each other about what game they were going to play next so I started to think about what Ryan had planned for me then all the sudden Ryan tapped me and said we are here. Ryan opened my door and lead me up some stairs and I head another door open and said "ahh hell where the fuck are you taking me" and he just laughed and said "you will see in a second hold on" he laughed. He stopped me and took off the blindfold and saw that I was inside my old house I turned around and hugged Ryan and told him thank you and asked why he did this he said that he knew that I wanted to move back in my old house so be bought it for me and everything that was in the house. He told me to explore the house to see what he bought and did for me so I did. I went to my old room and found out that Ryan took all of our childhood pictures of us and put them all around the wall and right above the pictures it says Memories. I went to my parents old room and found a bed and a computer and a camera. And the wall was f/c and I realized that and went back to the room and realized that the wall color was f/c and Ryan's favorite color which is red.

Ryan's P.O.V

I heard Y/N gasp and come running back downstairs and ran up and hugged me and said thank you again and then asked what the computer and camera was for that was in her bedroom. I told it was for her YouTube Channel yt/n or you could just play so video games with me. She was really happy and I was glad I get to see her again and hang out again I didn't want the night to end so I asked her if she wants to get something to eat and go get a drink and she said yes.

Word count: 901

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