» Chapter Twenty-Four «

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Half a moon had passed since the birth of Morningleaf's kits. They had opened their eyes, but each were still kit-blue. They had begun to grasp simple words, like hello, mommy, and hungry. Pikekit had even figured out I'm hungry.

      Kestrelfur blinked as light hit her eyes. She padded over to Waspstar, who was assigning patrols.

      "Kestrelfur, I was looking for you," he said. He blinked warmly and gave her a gentle lick. "Could you get Thistleleap from the BrookClan border? Bring him here, to the camp."

      Kestrelfur nodded, not bothering to ask why. She exited through the dirtplace tunnnel, traversing through the territory. She knew she was close when the stench of fish hit her nose, making her feel like gagging. She finally saw his gray fur and blazing amber eyes.

      "What do you want?" he said in an unfriendly voice. He turned a piece of a slightly rotted mouse in his paws.

      "Waspstar wants you," said Kestrelfur. "He just told me to come get you."

      Thistleleap lashed his tail. "Of course. I've been ignored by both Brightwhisker and my only son, and out of nowhere he wants to see me?"

      Kestrelfur flicked an ear. "Are you coming or not?"

      Thistleleap let out a low growl. "Fine, I'm coming."

      Kestrelfur led him back to the camp, curious to see what Waspstar was going to do. He hadn't talked about his father in a while. Perhaps he was going to kick him off the territory, as he wanted to do while he was deputy. Or maybe he was going to invite him into camp. There was no telling.

      When they entered camp, Brightwhisker immediately rushed up to him. "I'm sorry I couldn't see you. I was so busy training and hunting I never had the chance to stop by!"

      Thistleleap's tail swished. "So you seriously never had the chance to stop by?"

      Brightwhisker looked slightly crestfallen at his harsh tone. "No! I'm being honest!"

      Beechwhisker padded up and led Thistleleap to the center of camp, beside the two elders, Deerspots and Speckleface.

      Waspstar was perched on Grand Rock, gazing down at his father with intense amber eyes. The clan had formed a circle around the rock. Deerspots, Speckleface, and Thistleleap were in the center.

      Kestrelfur realized that as the deputy she should be next to Waspstar on Grand Rock, so she pushed her way through the crowd and climbed up next to Waspstar. He seemed tense as though waiting for someone to leap onto him. He stared at his father for several heartbeats before taking a deep breath as though starting a speech.

      "Remember that whatever I do is for the good of the clan. I would never do anything to weaken the clan. My dream has always been to make CloudClan stronger, and that is what I'll do."

      The three newest warriors stepped forward. Excitement gleamed in all of their eyes—especially Sparrowclaw's. He even looked hungry. Kestrelfur felt her fur bristle. Wait a mintue—does he mean what I think he means? No, surely not. He wouldn't. Expecially not to his own father.

      Waspstar turned to the elders. "The elders have no use to the clan. They can't hunt or fight and they're just another mouth to feed. Apprentices have to waste time getting rid of their ticks because they can't do it themselves, and they waste valuable training time in the process. The elders are no good to the clan, so I must eliminate them."

      A few shocked gasps ran through the clan, though not as many as Kestrelfur had expected. Perhaps they just think he's going to kick them out, and maybe that's all he plans on doing, thought Kestrelfur. But something tells me he means something a little more extreme....

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