TURTLE CAKES! CATS! Welcome to my book of randomness where I give my opinion on ships, try to spell words, and tell random people all about crap they don't care about! Yay. *rolls eyes* I'll give you info on my life, maybe, prison- I mean, school he...
OMG... Undertale... A fandom that has an unnecessary and awfully large amount of cringe... Wait!! I have a great idea! Story mode... Action!
Third Person P.O.V
The village was eerily quiet, almost silent except for the soft tapping of keys on a keyboard. This may seem odd, but this normal...because this is no ordinary village, oh no... This is a fandom village. "What?" You ask scratching you head "A fandom village? What could that possibly be?" Allow me to explain... Fandom villages are well, fandoms. The whole idea of the being villages in the 'Internet kingdom' came from Jace's mind, really. "Narrator! This is not your job! Ugh, now I have to fix the fourth wall again!!" You hear a faint voice croak, before proceeding. This village is the Undertale village and someone appears to be visiting...
Jace P.O.V
Wow.. It's a looooooooong time since I last visited, here... Well gotta do what I came to do... "OI! EVERYONE!!" I shouted hoping to catch their attention. "I HAVE A SHIPPING EDIT I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE!!" There had recently been a cringe epidemic here... But this was actually unrelated and completely just my opinion.
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Out of story mode! So yeah.. My opinion on some UT ships... Bye guys 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪