When it all starts

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Authors note: this book belongs to me. Alexa Swiatlowski. No one is to re-write this book on their own page. This book belongs to me and me only.

" Good morning mama" I said. I'm currently 7 years old. I have naturally tan skin, long curly black/brownish hair, and bold green eyes. My sister Olivia, who is currently 9, has long thick blond hair, slightly tinted skin, and blue loving eyes. we walk out of our room to greet our mother. We were not expecting what happend.
"Come, sit down girls", my mother said. " we need to talk". Tears filling her eyes, running down her cheeks. "Mama, what's wrong?", Olivia asks." Girls, last night... Your father had died. I'm so so sorry" mother said. " w-w-what? You're joking r-right?". Olivia cried. "No! You're lying! I don't believe you!" I scream.

          Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I wake up all sweaty crying. "It was just another nightmare...based off of real life". I say to myself. I look at the time, its 5:45 A.M. "Might as well shower".
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"Morning" I say. My best friend Rox walks over to me and I notice tear stains on her face. "Again?" I ask. She just nods and looks down at her feet. "Why? What did I do to him?" She asks, her voice barely higher than a whisper. "I will hurt him where the sun don't shine! No baby's for him! And you know I'll do it! You know I will because I have! Where is that little nincompoop! I will end him!" I scream. " whoa there tiger." She says trying to lighten up the mood. Yeah, incase you haven't noticed, I'm not the best person to mess with. I'm only 5'3 but I have muscle. Not too strong, but enough to kick your potato. Yeah, I also hate swearing. I dont do it, and I cringe when others do.
My best friend, Rox and I are part of and elite squad known as the special victims unit.

(Haha, sorry I had to) I love law and order. But seriously, me and Rox are part of a squad. We are in a small group made up of 7 people.
First we have Jordan...he is older then everyone else. He's 18 while the rest of us are 17. He is the responsible one. He will tell you what's a good idea and what will land you in jail. He has tan skin with bright blond hair. He tells people its natural...but I have my suspicions.

Next, we have Michael. He has red curly hair...that's right people...we've got a ginger on our hands. He's a goof...the thing with him though is he has never and will never take things seriously. He's
just a goof ball with pale skin decorated with freckles.

Then theres Lindsey. She's a Latina with attitude. She will put anyone in check who gets in the way of our squad. Shes a mid-sized, tan skined, black haired diva. She is kinda insane...oh who am I kidding! She is really insane. A freshman tripped her once last year so she found out all his information, slashed his tires and then put super glue in his shampoo. ( I'm sorta afraid of her)

Now we can't forget about little ol' Sammy. Yes we have a goody two shoes in the group. She is pale but in a weirdly adorable way. She has long dirty blond hair that is always put up in a perfectly amazing messy bun. She has nerdy/really cute glasses. She is quiet when you first met her but then after that...she's a motor mouth. Its kind of funny watching the guys get annoyed at her.

Finally we have Dylan. He is freaking tall, man. I'm talking like 6'10 tall. He is the one who gathers everyone together for movie night. Plus he's really into sports... But I can't complain. I'm on the guys foot ball team.

So there you have it. The squad. Jordan, Michael, Lindsey, Sammy, Dylan, Rox and I.
Now back to the main point I have oh so kindly deprived you of😏.

After I quickly spotted Justin...yes the one who made my main girl cry...her boyfriend...the one that is massively abusive towards her and sometimes others. I know what you're going to say... 'If he's abusive then Rox should just break up with him'. Well you see, it's not that simple.

One day in our freshman year, my friend Rox decided she was tired of being a virgin and did the shame shame with Justin before she was ready. Well after a whole night of chic flicks, ice cream, and crying at her place with me by her side, She told him she can't do it any more because it felt wrong. Well he flipped and said that he knew she would pull a stunt like this. So he secretly took some unflattering photos the night they did it. He showed them to her and said that if she told anyone about the abuse or if she broke up with him that he would send it to the whole school.

The only reason I know about the abuse is because one day I walked in on him beating her with a metal curtain rod. Then he said that if told anyone he would beat her even more.
So yes you simple minders...that's why Rox is stuck with Justin.

After spotting Justin, I, being the amazing friend that I am, charged at him. But before I could get my hands around his neck, I felt a pair of huge hands pick me up by the underarms and place me right back next to Rox. After recovering from shock, I glared at Jordan in pure and utter annoyance. Its like people think because I'm small its suddenly ok to just pick me up when ever they feel like it. Like really! Not cool!
"YOU WILL PAY JORDAN...YOU WILL PAY!" I say with anger as I watch Justin's retreating figure as the warning bell rings for 1 class. "Oh please you little hobbit... What are you going to do, attack from the ankles down?" Jordan said chuckling. Me being the mix of crazy/creepy/ goofy/ rebel that I am...I got down on all fours and I bit his ankle. "What the heck! Winter! You just bit me!" He said before stareing at me dumbfounded with his mouth hanging open. "Unless you want to eat flies for breakfast...I suggest you close your mouth" I say with a grin. He immediately closes his mouth with a scowl.
"Winter! If you don't get your Butt over here right now you are going to make us late to class!" Rox boomed over the loud crowd of high school students attempting to get to thier lockers without being trampled to death. I quickly ran to the front door to my first class and looked over to Jordan who is inspecting his bitten ankle for any real damage.
"Oh chill out you big baby... Its 2017...There are more important things then a few bite marks". I say with a grin. "But you literally bi-" Jordan began to say before I cut him off with an, "I'm done with this conversation...toodles". I tend to do that a lot in the middle of a conversation when I get bored. I don't sit there and pretend to listen like a normal person, nope...I simply cut them off and tell them that I'm done with this conversation and walk away...or sometimes I just turn around a leave without saying a thing.
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Omg guys...what did you think..its my first chapter of my first ever book! I hope I did well...tell me what you guys think in the comments . I will update regularly. Most likely every Friday. Oh and I'm so sorry for any spelling mistakes. I know there are most likely quite a few. And I know this was not all that intersting... But believe me... It gets better. And one more thing. This book belongs to me. So please don't go and re write this story and call it your own, that can get you in serious trouble... It's called plagiarism and can get you fined and a whole bunch of stuff. And one more thing. Without realizing it... I sometimes spell Justin, like Justine. Just know that it is meant to say Justin. And sometimes I screw up on spelling. Got a new phone and I'm still learning how to type well.  Also I know that this sucks. I promise it gets better. My spelling and style of writing changes throughout the the book. OK bye😘❤😘

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