Summer time

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Not the last chapter!

Yes... Friends, the time has come.


the amount of happiness coursing through my veins right now is insane. Soon we will be in college!!

I know this is going to sound weird.
But we all applied to the same college's. We all got into some colleges super close by to each other, so we decided to all live in the same apartment building.

Guys in one room, us women in another. The boys apartment is bigger, but ours is cuter.

Due to their apartment being big, they need more furniture to fill in the space.

Us girls painted the walls a navy blue with white diamonds on some parts.

We have a mini dineing table with 4 chairs. Perfect for us.

We have a brown couch and my old T.V from the basement.

The girls and I filled up our apartmemt with stuff from my old house. So did the boys, but since it was Rox and I's home, girls got 1st pick.

I called up the bank and told them to transfer all payments to my mothers account.

That place is her problem now. Im sure she will say something soon, but I don't care.

We have a 2 bedroom apartment on the 7th floor. We thought that we would live like junkies, but as it turnes out, our apartment is usually very clean. We thought we would live a cheap life style, but because of all the years of building of nice stuff for the house, we had plenty of appliences and nick nacks to fill up our new home.

Rox and Lindsey go to Flouresins University in Manhatten. Jordan and Micheal go to Cordiphs Clingnal University in Queens. Stupid name, but apparently it's for the best of the best.

Sammy, Rox, Dylan, Ryder and I got into Oldincks Phomeral University.

Dont ask me how I managed to make it to a University cause I got no clue.

The boys are on the 6th floor, below us. They have a 3 bedroom apartment.

They have black walls with posters everywhere. (Boys)

I know I know. I used to have the same thing.

But if High school has taught me anything, its that teens go through phases.

My phase lasted about 2 years, but still just a phase.

I don't really know what my new look is. I still where lots of black. And my medal rings,  and of course we can't forget the famous leather jacket, but less...gothic? I dont really know how to describe my old insanely weird look.

I was sitting in my room on a bean bag chair scrolling through instagram when I heard a pounding at the door.

I got up to find Sammy there already letting the boys in.

"Hey Grimmy" my boyfriend greets me. He kisses me and still I get blown away with fire works. Kissing this boy was not like kissing someone. It was like kissing love itself.

I will never get used to it and I hope I never do.

"Whats up babe?" I ask making some coffee.

Lindsey and Rox emerge from Sammy and Lindseys room.

"Hey chica! Make me some" Lindsey yells to me.

Ignoring her lack of manners I throw a sugar cube at Ryder and make it for her anyways.

"So what brings you to our neck of the woods?" Sammy asks them

"Its movie night" Dylan says. He puts a DVD in the box and they all gather on the couch, Ryder occupying bean bag chairs at the foot of the couch.

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