Back off!

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After 1 period, Rox and I split up to go to second class. As soon as I got in I noticed something new. Or rather someone new. But before I could get a second glance Michael and Dylan called my name simultaneously. "Yo winter! Over here!" I here Michael yell. Mr. Being popped out of a black hole and started freaking. "Miz. Winter! You're late!" He snapped.
Me being the idiot that I am said,"By like 30 seconds sir...chill out". I heard a round of 'ooooo's' erupt from the class. The teacher sent me a warning glare then ushered me back to my seat. But before I even took a step I heard Dylan shout,"Yo winter... I'm glad you decided to wear something different today".

"You mean I don't wear black, black, black and oh (I pretend to look a my self examining my clothing) would you look at". I answered.
I sat back down next to Dylan and Michael. About 7 minutes into Mr. Being's boreing lecture, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around to find the same,' someone new' from earlier smirking at me. "What?" I say bordely.
"Seems we're matching" I hear from the dude. Yes...I was taken back a little from how handsome he was...oh who am I kidding, this dude was freaking hot. But I didn't let my shocked expression show. Instead I answered with,"Thats just so interesting...but unfortunately...I don't dont care". He was wearing a black leather jacket with a black t shirt underneath, paired with black skinnies, and yes you guesses bunny slippers. Haha...I wish, some bunny slippers and Netflix right now sounds amazing. But no, like you most likely guessed... Some black combat boots. Just like me.
He had pale skin with light stuble from a few missed days of shaveing. He had black hair that was cropped neatly on top of his head. And to top it all off, he had matching bold green eyes like my own. He was pretty tall considering he towered over me even when we were sitting... But I don't think he is as tall as Dylan.
I turned back around to doodle in my notebook when I felt a little tippity tap on my shoulder once more. I turned around with yet another bored expression on my face. But this time I responded with, "What do you want you over sized maggot".
He had an amused glint in his eyes. But he quickly coverd it with a smirk and a chuckle. " ok...I've never gotten that reaction from a chic before". He said.

"Call me chick one more time and I'll banish you to narnia" I said dryly.

He had an amused look plastered on his face that he didn't bother covering up. He grabbed my notebook and studied the pages that I doodled on...I wasn't self conciouse about my doodles cause I was a pretty good artist...but suddenly he asked, "So whats your favorite spell". I was obviously confused at first but a wave of understanding washed over me when I realized my go to doodle is the hogwarts symble from Harry Potter.
I immediately responded,"SectumSempra". "Me too" he answered. "No, I mean its not my favorite spell, its what I am wanting to inflict upon you" I say faking a sweet smile.

(SectumSempra means to inflict harm upon a human)
"My my my... How do you do you do it?" He says. I gave him the 'what?' Look and he responded with, "Read my mind". I just scoweld at him.
I was about to turn around in my seat to face the front when I heard my name called by Mr.Being. " Miz.Winter... Since you seem to be more invested in your conversation with Mr.... Um, I'm sorry new student. I never caught your name. Maybe while Miz.Winter tells the whole class about her wonderful conversation with yourself, you can come up and inroduce yourself to the class...maybe tell us a little about yourself?
"Crudd" I mutter to my self as I slowly turn back around to see Mr. Being gesturing for me to get up and speak to the class about my useless convo with the new kid.

So I do as I'm told with the new kid trailing on behind me. So the new kid starts walking after smirking at me since we were both up in front of the class standing there like a bunch of idiots. So being the crazy person that I am, whisperd to the new kid, "follow my lead" he just looked at me and nodded. As soon as we got settled in front of the class, I put a hand to my head and started fake hypervenalateing. "I dont feel so good". I gasped out. I then fake fainted, falling right into the new kids arms.
He just stared at me for a second...dumbfounded. But he quickly caught on and before Mr.Being could react, he started on,"Oh my goodness! Look what just happened. She fainted, oh my, I should get her to the nurse immediately".

And before anyone could protest, he held me by my biseps and led me out the door, dragging my feet on the ground...all while I am pretend passed out.
As soon we were out the door a couple of feet away. He picked me up bridal style and bolted away. Shocked that I'm in a giants arms, I could barely move...but after about 3 minutes of running I hopped out of his grasp and started running beside him. I spotted and empty room ahead of us, so without warning I grabed hold of his arm and pulled him inside.
At least thats what I tried to do, but the momentum of his running was hard to when I tried to grab hold of him, he ended up dragging me along with him. But just because I'm skinny does not mean I'm light, so my momentum slammed into his back when he finally stopped and it send us both hurrdleing towards the floor.
We got up. My cheeks most likely discovered a new shade of red. He looked at me, and I looked back...then after a few moments we burst out laghing. "What was that?" he asked

well you see...i don't really know" I said and I burst out into a fit of giggles.
We both entered the empty room I intended to pull him in, closing the door behind us we sat down. I quickly realized we where in a music room. The new kid just took my purse and dug through it! Who does that! I was not about to freak out on him so I played it off as if it was something normal.
He ended up fishing out some gum and popping it into his mouth...I cared a lot about my gum! But the key to acting like how I do is by staying calm whenever but freaking out over something you feel a need to...I know it doesn't make much sense...but its just how I am.

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