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     I sat In my room, bored. It was the first day of summer vacation from school, I was in a good mood and calm, not my usual excited and jumpy self.
     With every second I grew even more bored. Then I remembered that I had purchased a Pokémon SoulSilver game the day before. It was a used game. I pulled out my DS and put in the game. The screen flicked on.
     I saw the normal start screen and saw there was a continue option. I really didn't care and wanted to make my own game. I tried to hit new game, but a message came up and said one thing "no..." this freaked me out a little. But, I brushed it off and pressed continue.
     The game showed a female character. I checked my profile first. I saw my characters name was Luna, my play time was 30 hours. As I looked at my Pokémon I only had one, an umbreon, named Shadow at level 100.
Then I walked out of the house I was in. The game played through normally, I had just beaten the Elite four and noticed something...strange and creepy when I placed Shadow in the PC box, his expression that was always happy was now...angry. I was horrified, but that wasn't the only thing, he had a spiked collar now. I quickly saved and shut the game system.
That night I had a dream, I saw a Pokémon, an umbreon, Shadow. He just starred at me, not moving or blinking. It's eyes that were normally yellow, were blood red.
A few years later, I never had a dream like that since that night, the night that changed my life. Also, I have never played or even gone near that game again. But I knew that Shadow wasn't through with me one day he would be back, once again.
I still have no idea what exactly happened that day, I never told me parents or anyone else...until now. My Pokémon that I had for so long, who I trained and won battles with, acting like that.
Anytime anyone says the words Shadow or umbreon, I would remember that day. It's one of those day you wish you could forget but can't.
I don't know if I will ever play that game again, sometimes I want too, but I just can't gather the courage to turn it on.
I don't know what I did to him, maybe he thought that when I put him in the PC box I didn't care about him any more. But I know one thing Shadow is not done with me yet, he will be back, I don't know when but I do know it will happen, still I will never say the word...Shadow.

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