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The following day, the Hornwort family were in the living room talking about the Kalos League and future challenges Finn would have when there a knock on the door. Hebe got up and open the door and Professor Augustine Sycamore, the Pokemon Professor of the Kalos Region and a squib, walked into the house.

"Augustine, what are you doing here?" Danika said, happy to see her friend and mentor.

"I've heard about the new subject and came to give you some books you can use for this class," he said setting four books on the coffee table.

The first read Pokemon: from Legendaries to Regular Types. The second one said Battling: the Making of a Champion. And the third one was Pokemon Training and Healing. And the last one was Pokemon Careers.

Finn made a mental note to write to Professor Dumbledore, telling him to include the books on the supply list along with the Pokedex and Pokeballs, but say those will be given to the students by herself. Augustine and Danika were talking about what she was to research, but Finn knew it will be new types of Pokemon.

He bid them goodbye and Perla grabbed Finn's hand and Hebe, Finn, and their mother left for Diagon Alley. After they got some money from Gringotts, they went to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to get their robes, much to Finn's dislike.

Hebe got a pink and white robe and Finn got a red and black robe. They got some parchment and quills and went back home. Finn grabbed some parchment and a quill and wrote:

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

I would like you to mention that the things needed for the class are not let available and that I will give them to the students. Also, that the parents sign a permission form, so the students can even get their starters. I will be giving some of the staff Pokemon and I will tell you why in person. The books are the following. Pokemon: from Legendaries to Regular Types, Battling: the Making of a Champion, Pokemon Training and Healing, and Pokemon Careers. And the other equipment is a Pokedex and six Pokeballs. And this is Akira, my female Noctowl. She one of my Pokemon. I'll see you at the start of the term, Headmaster.

Finn Hornwort

She grabbed one of her Pokeball, pushed a button as it grew in size. She threw it up in the air and a flash of red, Akira came out from her ball.

"Mind taking this letter to Hogwarts for me," she asked as Akira flew up next to her hooting.

She tied the letter the to Akira's leg and waved her wand as the window opened and Akira took off into the sky.

I know what you're thinking, she's an underage wizard, but since she was in the middle of the league when she got the letter, so her parents made a plan before her journey started. So at the bringing of her journey, her parents asked her other brother in everything but blood, Remus Lupin, to teach her what she needed. But she went through all the first year books after a month.

Seeing this, he got her the second year books and she went through them after a month, too. She went through all years' books in a month for each year and understood everything. Remus wrote to the Ministry of Magic asking if she could take her OWLs (Ordinary Wizarding Levels) and NEWTs (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests).

The following week while she didn't have any battles, they went to the Ministry and she spent an hour or so taking the OWLs. When she got her results, she got an O (Outstanding) in DADA (Defence Against the Dark Arts), Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, and Potions and got an E (Exceeds Expectations) in Transfiguration, Astronomy, Divination, and History of Magic.

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