Amuetras pov
As I fell down, surprising myself I land swiftly on the ground. What terrifies me even more though is that I'm alone and my situation is WORSE SINCE I AM ALONE! SOME CREEPY MONSTER FROM THE UNDERWORLD COULD COME ANY MINUTE AND DEVOU-
"AHHHHH" *thud*
I jump up in surprise from the sudden noise. Then before I even start running away I recognize it immediately. YOONA!?
"Y-Yoona Is that YOU!!"
As I was about shout for Yoona again I hear demonic voices from quit a distance.
"DiD yOu HeAr ThAt ScReAm? MaYbE wE hAvE uNExPeCtEd GuEsTs?"
Shock. That was written all over my face. Shock, that was the only thing in my mind proccessing. Shock, Where the heck did Eunji and Yoona freaking fall.
Before I could listen to anything those demons or ghosts spoke, I turned the other direction and ran as fast as my pale legs could take me. I ran until I was out of breath. I ran until I bumped into a soft back, wait what?!
Before I could even get touched or grabbed I once again ran past the figure before he or she or demon could even process that I bumped into them.
My worst phobia was getting chased by a killer and getting grabbed, so as soon as the mysterious figure grabbed my arm, I screamed in horror.
Eunjis pov
Yoona and I were walking around the dark hallway. "Why did I follow you, like seriously I could've been save with Amuetra but no my stupidness got the best of me!" Said Yoona. I covered her mouth so I can hear clearly. "AAAA!" I heard. "Amuetra!"
Before I could even grab Yoona from running away from me she fell threw a whole completly different hole.
After it became silent I knew that she knocked out again. Aish this girl.
Before I was about to jump in the hole with yoona I head Amuetras scream from the other direction not to far from us.
Alright if I've had had a hard decision back in my past they werent as hard as this one.
Do I go after Amuetra?
Do I go down into the hole with Yoona and risk Amuetras life? I mean I did just now hear her scream two times already.
After 30 seconds I run where I heard Amuetras scream. Dont think I'm crazy I still remember that Yoona, Amuetra, and Me are in a horrible situation and even though most of the time Yoona acts like an idiot she actually got us out of the situation.
She has also told us many stories of her geting out of bad situations and even if they were fake, because she was trying to impress us, they sounded pretty real.
"Yoona what do you think you are doing?! It's been already 3 hours and we were supposed to go to my aunts house!" I yell frustrated since it was only a 15 minute drive and Amuetra was too scared to drive even tho she was older than all of us so we just decided on forcing Yoona to drive. But I guesss that wasnt such a good idea since me and Amuetra fell asleep and we were still on the road.
"Im so sorry I just forgot where we were going and I was driving pretty well so I kept on going because I felt confident an-"
"Yoona its ok, just figure something out since you started the problem." Amuetra stated kinda cold since she was awoken from her beauty sleep.
"Do you remember where you came from Yoona." I asked.
She shook her head indicating no. "Im sorry I didnt go straight I kept doing lefts and rights then straight then left and right again."
Me and Amuetra only sighed in defeat. Then Yoona gasps making Amuetra and I eye her carefully.
"I have an idea!" She yells excitedly making me curious.
"What is it?" I ask. She only shakes her head and ignores me, making me angry.
I soon get bored , feeling neglected since Amuetra is sleeping and Yoona is suspiciously ignoring me. So I decided to start tickling Amuetra.
"AHHHH S-S-STOPPPPP!!!" She screams laughing her butt off while screaming in agony.
"No!!! I'm bored and youre ignoring me!!"
I tickle her more making her unbuckle her seat belt making her fall on the cars floor. But she only put herself in more of a disadvantage since she got in a better angle for me to tickle her. So I did as my instincts told me to. I tickled her until I heard a little *Toot*
"What was that? Omg Amuetra did you just fart!?"
As soon as I say that she turns as red as a tomato.
She yells still as red as a tomato." But we are in a car nobody will know." I fire back
She glares at me with her beautiful eyes before she gets back on the seat. She puts on her seat belt. Before she could even start ignoring me Yoona speaks startling both of us.
"Okay!!! We are here!" She yells. We look outside and we actually are at my aunts house.
"Hey good job Yoona."
End of Flashback

The Bloody Mess
FanfictionThree girls get lost in the forest while playing tag (yeah I know they're to old for it) then they find a house that has gray smoke coming out from it. They finally get convinced to go inside yet not knowing what their future holds. -On going