Jyugo pov
I walked up to her almost life less body. I crouched down and picked up her chin to get a better look of her face. "Well aren't you a beauty." I said mostly to myself. I smirked since you will be a vampire maybe I can have a little fun with you. I got up startled by the loud step coming this way. I immediately hid myself to see who was the person to cause the ruckus.
After a while I see a panicked Jungkook come into the room kneeling down to the girl struggling to breathe. He quickly picked her up bridal style and took her away. "That piece of shit! I fucking lost her!" I walked out of the room and started searching for Jaebum once again. Since he is the one that started this mess.
Eunji pov
I woke up with the foul taste of blood in mouth. I began to choke on it, slowly getting back to my senses. In front of me I saw Jungkook who had a look of relief and sorrow . "What's wrong Jungkook?" I asked holding his hand that was caressing my cheek. "I'm sorry Eunji... you will never be able to leave. In less than a day you will turn into a vampire." He said looking down struggling to look in my eyes.
"Hey, it's... its fine... I'm alive right. I'm sure I'll be fine." I said cupping his face trying to make him look up at me. While trying to make him feel a little better my leg began to hurt but not where I wouldn't be able to walk. "Hey let's go search for Amuetra." I slowly got up but suddenly got pushed down again. "You stay I'll go. I don't want to lose you again." He said holding my hand. I sighed then nodded, "ok go."
With that he left leaving me by myself. All alone in the dark. Did I mention I'm scared of the fucking dark. I quickly got up and saw a wardrobe next to me. I opened it and to my surprise I found a knife. Ooooh me likey! I grabbed the knife and felt how sharp it was. "Perfect its really sharp!" I put the knife in my pocket and opened the door slightly to see if anyone was passing.
When I found the coast was clear I got out and sighed with relief. I started walking around the dark and dirty hallways. I started hearing music? I walked closer to the sound. This may be the most stupidest move and I may end up killed but being the curious little me I continued walking. Once I turned I found a white haired boy who seemed to be older than me probably older than Amuetra. He didn't seem to be a vampire for Jungkook once said that vampires can hear pretty clear and I was walking quite loudly which was really stupid to do. "H-h-hello." I said waiting for him to look up at me but he didn't.
"Hey! You blonde man or boy can you hear me!! Hey listen to me when I'm talking to you, what are you deaf or something!" I yelled getting annoyed that he was ignoring me. If you didn't know my biggest pet peeves are people ignoring me. I finally decided to walk up to him but once I got in front of him he pulled me down to the ground and got on top of me. "You are one stupid girl." He said having no emotion on his face. "H-hey that's not fucking nice and not a good first impression." I said getting me angrier by the second. "Are you that innocent? I'm on top of you yet you're not scared. My next move could be very dangerous. Who knows I could be a vampire for all time sake!" He said. His voice was very attractive I may say that but his personality is not. Its actually quit ugly.
"You're not though. But I might be." I said my eyes involuntarily started turning bright red. He got off of me slowly and sat down patting the ground beside him signaling me to sit down next to him. I sat down in front of him instead, I'm not a dog. After quite some time he finally spoke up. "My name is Stephan... yours?" He asked trying to seem polite. "Eunji." I said plainly he then got out a book which seemed really old. "Is that history I love history!" I yelled happily while clapping my hands together like a little child. He started turning pages and read each one. After what seemed for hours I slowly started getting bored.
I started poking his cheek. "What are you doing?" He asked his tone of voice changing signaling he is irritated. "I'm bored. You should already know that I hate being ignored." I said pouting because he wasn't responding. I was about to say something until I heard a yelp.
Yoona pov
I teleported into a dark room until I got pushed on a table and started getting strapped down. "Well well well. If it isn't a cute little blondie I found. Not surprised." A girl said. "Hey what is that suppose to mean you fucking bitch ass! You're probably a witch! You booger colored dumbass bitch!!!" I yelled out trying to find her through the darkness. "HAHAHA!! You don't even know what you're getting into! Next thing you know you'll be yelling for mercy or even better yelling to end this and die!" She said creepily. I found her hand tracing the table I was on, and I was correct she is a booger color she probably eats her boogers to get her skin green!
After a couple of minutes I felt a sharp sting on my left leg. "EEEUGHH!!.... AAAAAHHH!" I yelled. Every second she whipped the whip at me and it felt like pure torture. She finally stopped, leaving me in a bloody mess. Then she went to my broken arm. She then grabbed it and started putting pressure onto it as well as twisting it around. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! STOP..... STOPPPPP!!" I yelled crying. It felt like my arm was being cut off slowly.
Three hours later...
I finally woke up my whole body sore. I started sobbing and screaming of both frustration and fear. The blood that has come out finally dried up on my swollen skin. J Hope please 'save me'. I cried before I started seeing this odd white light in the distance....Is this where I die? Sorry everyone I hope you forgive me. Whatever the fuck this is, I hope I'm a rock in my next life!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! By showing some support voting on our stories would make our day! My partner and I strive to make you guys enjoy our book, so if you enjoyed, a vote would be nice!

The Bloody Mess
FanfictionThree girls get lost in the forest while playing tag (yeah I know they're to old for it) then they find a house that has gray smoke coming out from it. They finally get convinced to go inside yet not knowing what their future holds. -On going