Chapter 1

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Kimi sat at a cafe watching people walk right past her,not knowing that a notorious color gang leader sat just in front of them. She twisted the ring on her finger as she waited for her friends Rei and Suzuya. As she waited her phone buzzed.

To Yellow Scarf

From Izaya-kun

-What are you doing today? Have information on what we talked about the other day.

Kimi smiled as she texted back.

To Izaya-kun

From Yellow Scarf

-Hanging with Diamond and Blade,can't your info wait till tomorrow? I have a gang meeting tonight but I'm sure Ares can handle it,I could try to meet up with you tonight if you want

She send the text setting her phone done only for it to buzz a second later.

To Kimi-chan

From Diamond

-You look super bored sitting at the cafe alone

Kimi looked around before rolling her eyes.

To Diamond

From Kimi-chan

-Get your ass over here or I won't buy you any cake

As soon as she sent the text she saw Rei running towards her from across the street with Suzuya right behind her with his backpack and katana.

"How dare you threaten to do that,"Rei said sitting down glaring at Kimi who just sat back with her hands behind her head and smiled. Suzuya sat across from her and let her lay her legs on his lap.

"Where is your scarf?"

"In my bag,I can't wear it right now because there are a lot of Yellow Scarves walking around the city,"Kimi told Suzuya.

"You meeting up with Izaya soon?"

Kimi nodded looking up at the sky. Mikado had texted her earlier in the day and asked if she was coming to school but she just didn't feel like answering or going to that fucking hell hole so she ditched. Mikado was going to be mad at her,maybe not as much as Shinra though. She would expect a lecture from him when she got home. Hopefully Celty would take her out on her bike with her tonight because Kimi couldn't take the stress of life too well and riding the black motorcycle seemed to calm her.

"Kimi are you spacing out again?"

Kimi looked down to find Rei looking straight at her.

"Yeah sorry,just really am not looking forward to the lecture I'm going to get from Shinra tonight,"Kimi told her holding her head as a headache started to develop.

"Why doesn't he just let you do online schooling?"

Kimi shrugged taking a sip of her coco.

"We should go,school will be out soon and Mikado and Anri walk this way so they will totally see us,"Rei told her standing up with her bubble tea in hand. Kimi nodded getting up to follow her with Suzuya just behind her. Suzuya took her hand making sure not to get lost in the large crowd. Rei entered a large building and Kimi stopped for a second to look up at it.

"Diamond Enterprises,"Kimi read with a smile slowly making its way to her face. She ran in after Rei and stopped to find her waiting at an elevator.

"This building gets more and more impressive as the years go by Miss CEO of Diamond Enterprises,"Kimi complemented Rei who blushed bright red as Kimi called her by her official title.

"It really does get more shiny,"Suzuya says as the elevator opens.

"It's just the light of the sun and all the windows,"Rei tells him stepping into the elevator. He chuckles stepping in after Kimi.

"Woah,"Kimi says as they go up. The elevator window let them see out at the city with stretched for miles.

"This is the beauty of Ikebukuro,"Suzuya said putting his face very close to the window.

"The only beautiful thing about the city is the view,"Rei says turning around just as the elevator doors open.

"Welcome back Miss Mikato,"Rei's Assistant,Aimee said as they walked past. Rei didn't answer but gave her a nod opening the door to her office.

"Celty should be coming to pick you up,"Rei told Kimi who sunk into the couch with a yawn. Kimi nodded before laying her head in Suzuya's lap. Suzuya played with her hair as she slept watching Rei work her ass off trying to keep the Diamonds in the shadows.

"Celty is here to take Kimi to see Izaya,"Rei said not looking up from her laptop. Suzuya nodded picking up the sleeping girl.

"I'll take her down to her,then I should really head home and do homework,"Suzuya said as he went to leave. Rei didn't answer which is what he had expected,she never answers to anyone when she is busy. Suzuya met Celty at the back of the building handing off the sleeping girl to her. Celty gave him a wave before heading off. Suzuya looked up at the sky to see storm clouds forming.

"Chaos is about to rain down on Ikebukuro."

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