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Padmé sat down on the couch with a sigh, shaking her head. He said he would be home soon, but with my luck he probably was assigned another month long dangerous mission, and on his birthday too! Of course, the Jedi council doesn't care, they probably don't even know when his birthday is! Padmé knew she shouldn't be so selfish, but didn't she deserve some time with her husband, even if it was the middle of a war? Then again, Padmé thought to herself, when are his missions not dangerous? And when does the Jedi Council care about people's personal lives anyway?

             Suddenly Padmé felt a strong pair of hands grab her firmly by the waist, “Ani!!” she exclaimed, half out of surprise, half out of joy. Padmé turned to face him, resting her chin on her arms, leaning on the back of the sofa.

             Anakin smiled surreptitiously, “dang,” Padmé tried not to swoon at her husband's smashing expression, “I was hoping you wouldn't know it was me, then the look on your face would have been even more enjoyable,” Anakin leaned forward, and brushed a strand of hair out of Padmé's face.

             She gave a dallying laugh, “Anakin,” she caught his hand in midair and held it fast, “don't you remember what day it is?” she placed his hand gently on her cheek.

              “No…” his eyebrows raised questioningly, “why?”

               “Ani, it's your birthday!”

               “It's my… birthday,” Anakin smiled, and then kissed her full on the lips, “well, let's make it a good one then,” he sat down on the couch and laid her head on his lap.

                Padmé looked up at Anakin and her eyes glowed with love as he stroked her hair. He was lost in her eyes, her beauty captivated him, the slight delicate curve of her nose, her strong cheekbones, her deep brown eyes that spoke volumes, her soft sculpted lips, just as much as when he didn’t have her, if not more. He stroked her silky hair back from her forehead. He didn't even need to worry about losing himself in her eyes, because doing so, he would find himself, in the infinite depths of her heart. And he wouldn't find the harsh and rash Jedi Knight. Instead, he would find the strong, and protective lover of Padmé Naberrie Amidala Skywalker.

                Anakin pressed a kiss to her sweet smelling forehead, “I love you Padmé,” he whispered into her ear.

               Padmé smiled at the feeling of his lips brushing against her ear, “I love you too Ani,” she closed her eyes blissfully.

              Anakin smiled too, “Padmé, you don't even have to do anything. My birthday is perfect already.”

            But Padmé didn't hear, she was already fast asleep.

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