About me (I got tagged)

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I got tagged, so... Here are my answers to the questions!!😊

1. Do you have a crush?
Okay, yes. Anakin Skywalker.

Lol, I do have maybe one or two people I have crushes on. But sometimes fictional characters are just so much better! Plus, no real person probably has a crush on me, lol, but you don't have to worry about that with fictional characters!

2. What is your middle name?

Colleen. I know, that's kinda boring...

3. Height.

I am 5 foot 5. Like Padmé!! (No seriously)

4. Shoe size

7.5-8 in womens

5. Last time I cried.

When I watched Revenge of The Sith a couple weeks ago.

6. Biggest fear.

People think I am rude, or can't accomplish my dreams,
Never being able to see anybody I care about again.

7. Last song I listened to.

Your lie in April medley, it's on Spotify.

8. Last person I texted.

My friend, who is known as Victuuriously on wattpad

9. Favourite app.

Wattpad, and Spotify

10. Tag 20 people.

Kay, I'll try my best pon this one, but it'll probably be more like 10.









There you go!! :)

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