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Anakin sat at the dinner table, waiting for Padmé, fumbling the small, black velvet box in his hands anxiously. Padmé walked in, and suddenly, his breathing nearly stopped.

            She wore a beautiful pomegranate red dress, with vague nuances of roses laced into the fabric. It had a high neck, and sleeves that covered to the edge of her collarbone. The hem, sleeves and neckline were scalloped with a deep, orchid purple. The dress hugged her thighs, and then flared out at the calves. The fading light shining through the French doors made her chestnut brown eyes glow with warmth, and sparkle like the calm, pristine lake outside, beyond the railing. It gave her silky skin a soft phosphorescence when the sun diffused into it.

            She sank into the deep, cushioned chair, unaware of his complete and total awe, and smiled delicately, “Anakin?”

            He couldn't help but stare, she was just… breathtaking. Anakin saw her soft pink lips moving, but he didn't even vaguely hear the words they formed. Anakin was to intoxicated with her captivating beauty to hear a sound. He shook his head, and blinked several times, trying to break his trance, “What?”

           She laughed lovingly, “I asked you a question. Did you hear me?”

           “Oh… um yeah! I'm glad,” actually, he thought, I have no idea what she just said.

             Her expression dropped slightly, oh no, what did I do now, he thought despairingly. “You mean you're glad that you won't be protecting me anymore?” she looked down at her plate and folded the napkin in her hands nervously, blinking back tears.

            “What- No! That's not what I meant, I'm sad that I won't be protecting you anymore, I want to stay with you. You know that Padmé,” the inflection in his voice rose, “I-”

            “You love me?” Padmé looked up from her plate through her dark lashes, her eyes glinting in the sunlight.

              Anakin's hands shook, and he gripped the velvet box hard. “I-” he sighed in confession, “yes Padmé, I love you,” Anakin scooted his chair back and stood up. “Which is why I need to ask you this,” he knelt down on one knee, and held up the box, “Padmé Naberrie Amidala, will you marry me?” and opened it to reveal his padawan braid, a weave of his thick auburn hair.

              Padmé blinked, she didn't know what to say, she was amazed that Anakin would give up honesty to the Jedi for her, “yes,” she smiled beautifully, and threw her arms around him, “Anakin, I love you!”

              He pulled Padmé onto his knee and kissed her gently. “I love you too.”

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