Chapter Eight

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Please read the author's it might be very important for certain of you.

Chapter Eight begins:

Erik's POV:

I sat on the ground watching Mira walk away from me. I watched as she walked up to her friend Georgia. Then she wraps her in her arms and then they disappear into the house. I sigh a bit aggravated by this. I run my hand through my hair aggressively. I fell backward on the ground so I'm laying on my back staring up at the sky. "What did I do wrong?"

"I mean sure I'm moving to fast and she's is my sister. But I just can't help myself when I'm around she's just beautiful and absolutely adorable. And it's always been that way for as long I can remember. And it always has been. I can still remember the day my parents brought her home to my two-year-old self."


I was sitting on the couch when the door suddenly opened. I snapped my head in the direction of the door just as mommy and daddy were walking in bring the cold winter wind with them. They had fresh snow on their heads and back so I knew it was snowing outside that I can't wait to play in later. I ran to them and hugged their legs smiling up at them. They looked down at me and smiled sadly.

I could feel a frown pull at the corners of my lips as I looked at them "What's wrong, mommy and daddy?" Mommy sighed as she shifted that's when I noticed she was carrying something wrapped in a blanket. I stared at it confused "What's that?" I say pointing to the blanket and whatever is inside the blanket bundle. My mother sighed and she bent down to my height. "Now Erik I know this might not make sense, but you'll understand one day." She then removes the blanket slightly away to show a beautiful baby face.

I looked at it so curiously and mother smiled at me "This is Mira your new baby sister." I smiled she's so beautiful I can't believe I have such a beautiful little sister. "Hi Mira I'm Eriwk I'm going to be your new older brovver. I promise I'll always protect you." Mira looked at me with her sparkling green energetic green eyes and smiled at me. I could feel my smile etched it's way on to myself. She then giggled at me and started waving her hand in the air. I moved my hand in front of her and she grabbed it causing my smile to widen.

Mother frowned the instant she looked at my smile and the beautiful baby girl's giggling face. Then she leaned over to me then she whispered the rest of her confusing speech, which she was right I didn't understand. "What are you talking about, mommy?" She smiled at me and shook her head "You'll understand it one day, I promise. For now, do you want to hold her." A smile etched it's way back into my face as I nodded. Mommy then showed me how to hold her as she placed her in my arms. In that exact moment I knew, I would protect my beautiful baby sister with the rest of my life no matter what it took. And I loved her full heartedly and always would. I smiled as she yawned and closed her eyes falling asleep instantly in my arms with a smile still on her beautiful delicate little face as she snuggled in my arms.


I sighed as that memory found a way to seep into my subconscious. Mom was right I didn't understand what she was talking about them, but I do now even more then when we went to grandmother's house. Our protector or at least Mira's protector just like I am like I promise myself and her so very long ago. Which is why I'm so confused on what I could have possibly done to piss her off so bad that she would feel more comfortable with her friend Georgia then me.

I felt someone's present besides, but I didn't need to look up to know it was our grandmother. "Hello, grandmother enjoying the perfect weather today. It's perfect for a party wouldn't you agree?" She snorted as her face loomed over mine "Are you going to sit up boy?" I raised an eyebrow with a smirk plastered on my face "Nah I kind of like it down here thank you very much." She rolled her eyes and turned to face the woods so the people at the party couldn't read her lips and know what she was going to say. I sat up so I was facing the woods as well sensing how serious she is.

"She's your mate isn't she?" I knew who exactly who she was talking so I saw no reason to lie to her. "Yes, she is." I saw her nod from the corner of my eye. "I figured as much. I know you know how important it is to protect her more than ever now." I nodded "I know, but then again I've always planned to protect her no matter what and even more so now. So you don't have to worry about that." She smiled "Don't worry I am not worried about that, I know I can trust you. You came back, now didn't you." I chuckled "I guess you got me there. But then again it was quite easy to stay alive when you're the only alpha among the group."

"Did you kill any of 'them'?" I nodded "Plenty, but I'm sure we're not done with them just yet." She rolled her eyes "I sure besides I'm sure those men you killed were only some of his flunkies, not his good men."

"I'm sure you're right, but don't worry I sure I can handle it. Besides she can take care of herself considering she is the top of all her classes and she's not an idiot." She sighed and with a slight smile on her face "I know because she's so much like her parents especially her mother." I scrunched my eyebrows "Really?" I said shocked since she's never talked about them before even though I knew all about it. She nodded "Yes she really is." I smiled happily and she spoke again "Don't worry you are just like your parents as well. They would be very proud of you, my darling sweet Erik." I smiled "Thank you, grandmother." She messed with my hair just like she use to when I was little "No problem besides I've always liked you, so I know you will always take care of her. That's why I'm perfectly okay with this."

I nodded as she started to walk back to the party. I watched her as she stopped walking suddenly and turned around to me. "Oh and Erik?" I raised an eyebrow at her "Yeah?" I asked curiously. "Just a little piece of advice from a females point of view. Girls don't want to hear about your ex's and your experience with them, especially from their mates. And probably more so if that person already knew about them before they found out that person is their mate. It may just make them upset or angry that you've done it with someone else and not them."

I felt realization hit me straight in the face at what she was saying "Damn it how could I have been so stupid. I should have realized it sooner and went after her. I'm a freaking idiot. Why did I have to be so stupid?"

"Oh and one more thing Erik. Going out with all those girls like you did will eventually bite you in the butt worse than your stupidity just now. Trust me," she said right before turning around and walking away. I fell back on my back laying in the grass. I run my hand over my face and then my hair in frustration. "How could I have been so stupid?"


Author's Note:

Hey sorry for the long wait for this one. I just had a pretty bad writer's block for a while and then I got busy with sleep and helping my grandmother out. So sorry it took so long, but I do hope you enjoy it. I know I'm horrible with updating so please stick with me. I will eventually update everything, I hope although some might take longer than others. So just stick with me and I promise I'll get to everything you want me too soon. So just message me the ones you want me to do first and I'll try to make it a reality. Oh and check out my new stories. I'm making two or three new ones all depending if you've read it already or not, I'd really appreciate it. So until next time my lovelies and happy reading.

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