Ten Years Later

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    Lydia, wake up. Laurence says.

Lydia slowly opens her eyes and blinks a few times before realizing her brother is standing over her.

What time is it? she asks sitting up and running her hand through her hair and yawning.

11:20 cmon, Samantha made breakfast downstairs a while ago. Everyone else is awake. he says.

Oh, oops. Ill be down in a second. she says.


She gets out of bed and walks over to her closet. She looks over to see her twins bed nicely made. She opens one of her drawers and fishes through it for some clothes. Nothing she sees seems right. Girl problems she thinks to herself. Not like I have anything fancy anyway. Ten years, and 4 foster homes. Same clothes. Great. At least Im thankful? she pulls out a white t-shirt and some black jeans. This was her favorite outfit she had. Not much, but decent.

She starts for the bedroom door, but stops and looks over her shoulder, then back at Laurences bed. He was more of the neat and clean freak. While Lydia, on the other hand, wasnt so neat. Shed always stuff her homework papers in her book bag, while Laurence put his in a clean, neat binder. She ignored hers, and put her papers in front of it, too lazy to take it out and put her papers in it.

She shrugs and continues down the stairs and turns to head into the kitchen.

Well look whos finally up. their foster brothers teases. Hes an 8th grader. 13 years old, and Samantha and James biological son.  

Alex, leave Lydia alone. Its what teens do. Sleep all day. Samantha, their foster mom says with a chuckle.

I went to bed pretty late last night. Around 2ish. Lydia says grabbing a plate of cold eggs and bacon.

Why? their foster sister asks. Her names Carah. Shes a freshman, 15, and also their real daughter.

Was working on an essay for english. Took forever but its my fault for deciding to work on it last minute. Lydia shrugs. It was due at 3 am.

Well, its a saturday morning, well, almost afternoon, so you still have another day to sleep in on. James, their foster father said as he poured his coffee, and kissed Samantha before turning for the door. Ill see you all later, have a good day. He walks out.

    Psst, Lydia. Laurence says, peeking his head out from the hallway.

    Lydia walks over to him and looks to see if anyone followed, or heard him calling her over.  

    What? She asks raising an eyebrow.

    Im going to a friends party at 8:00. Wanna come with? he asks with a grin.

Meh, I dont know. Does Samantha and James know? she asks.

No. Thats kinda why were whispering? He asks sarcastically.

Okay, jeez. Fine, Ill go. But if we get caught sneaking out, youre the one to blame. She says crossing her arms.

Why me? He asks crossing his, and scrunching his eyebrows together lifting his chin a little.

Because youre the other brother. She lays putting her hands on her hips.

Uh, not fair. Only by three minutes. he says, shaking his head.

Still older. She replies.

Whatever, just dont try to get us caught. he says before turning and heading to their room.        

Lydia sits down at the table and starts to eat her breakfast, as Alex and Carah wash everyones dishes. She chomps down the rest of her meal, sips the last sip of her glass of milk, and hands her dishes to her foster siblings. Hers and Laurences chores are to sweep, and vacuum every now and then. Lydia heads to their room, and lays on her back while listening to Laurence rummage through his side of the closet.

ALEX! He yells.

Lydia jumps and looks over to him.

What is it? she asks.

He took my black hoodie again, you know, the one that has the words I save no one. on the back? he asks irritated.

Alex pops up through the door.

What? he asks.

Give me back my hoodie NOW. Laurence snaps.

I dont have it!

Stop lying and just fess up before I go and get Samantha. Laurence warns and stands up.

Ughh, fiiinee. Alex says as he rolls his eyes and leaves the room. He comes back with Laurences hoodie, and shakes his head before leaving.

Yeah. Knew you had it. Stop taking my things! He snaps.

Lydia rolls her eyes and smiles turning onto her side, her back facing her brother.

Wake me up when its two oclock. she says and closes her eyes. I need my energy if were going out around night time. And she falls asleep.

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