Chapter One

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Chrisy's POV

"Time for bed you two!" I yelled out the door. It was after nine O'clock and they were already supposed to be in bed. They are lucky I'm nice. 

"Coming!" They yelled in unison. Shaylee and Mason came running up the steps side by side.

"Did you guys have fun today?" I asked, already knowing the answer. 

"Yes!" Answered Mason. 

"Yeah." Came Shay's delayed answer. I saw her looking onto a dark corner of the living room. She looked like she had seen a ghost. Kids these days..

"Okay! Let's get a snack and then it's off to bed for you two." I said smiling at them. I walked to the kitchen with them and sat them down at the table. "What do you want for snack?" I asked.

"Uhm.... candy!" Shay yelled.

"No candy tonight Hun. Sorry." I said shaking my head at her goofiness.

"I want fruit snacks..." Mason said quietly. I looked over to where he was staring. He was looking towards the basement door. For a split second I thought I saw something. I blinked a few times and scolded myself for being childish.

"Okay Mason. Shay?" I said.

"I guess fruit snacks to.." She said. She was also looking at the door now. I looked at the door again and saw nothing.

"What are you guys looking at?" I said quietly.  They looked like they were in some sort of trance.. I busied myself by getting them their fruit snacks and a glass of water. "Here you go kiddos." 

"Thanks..." They both said. Something strange was going on.. I quickly shook it off and smiled. I was being silly. 

"I'm going to go find dad okay? Stay here till I get back." I said. I grabbed a flashlight, slipped on some shoes and went out side. "Dad?" I said. No answer. "Dad?" I called again a little louder. Still no answer.

I stepped off of the porch and walked towards the barn. Turning on the flash light, I scanned the area around me. I couldn't see anything. Suddenly, I saw a slight movement to my left. I quickly turned there expecting to see something or someone. There was nothing there. I quickened my pace to the barn.

Once I got there, I tugged on the door. It wouldn't budge.. I pulled harder this time. Suddenly, it gave way causing my to fall back. *Smack* I hit the ground. Groaning, I got back up. I slowly walked into the barn and scanned the floor with my light. 

"Dad?" I whispered. No answer. Now I'm starting to get worried. Where was he? I backed out of the barn and headed for the tool shed. I opened the door and peeked in. Nothing.. I quickly walked towards the fields. If he wasn't here, I am calling the cops. I am really freaking out right now.

Suddenly I heard a scream that chilled me to the bone. I turned on my heal and ran as fast as I could to the house. It was Shay's scream I had heard. She doesn't scare easily. This had to be serious. I pumped my legs as fast as the y would go. I was half way there when I tripped over something. I got up and kept running. I didn't even bother to see what had tripped me.

I could finally see the house up ahead. The kitchen light was flickering and I could see three shapes. Wait.. three? I kept running and pushing my legs to go farther. "I'm coming!!" I screamed, hoping they would hear me. One of the figures turned towards me. I couldn't see who it was, but I could see the out line of it. 

Maybe it was my father? Suddenly, it all went silent. I was finally to the steps so I slowed my pace A little. I walked into the house and half ran to the kitchen. The lights were off now. I was afraid to see what was there when I turned on the lights. When I turned the light on, they were still sitting there.

"B-b-but I heard you scream!" I said to Shay. She looked at me confused and Mason just sat there.

"What are you talking about?" She asked. She looked totally fine and calm. wHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?

"O-Okay... Uhm.. Time for bed." I said, trying my best to smile. "Have you guys seen dad yet?"

"No..." They both said. 

"Okay.." I said calmly. Once they were in bed, I would go look for him again. "Come on." 

They both got up and we walked towards the stairs. Every little noise and shadow made me jump. Get a hold of yourself! We came to Shay's room first.

"Go get your Pj's on Hun. I'll be back in a few minutes." I said smiling. Me and Mason walked towards his room at the end of the hall. I opened the door, reached in and turned on the light. We walked over to his bed and I sat him down on the sheets.

"What Pj's do you want to wear tonight?" I asked him.

"Spidey!!" He said happily. He loved spider man and anything else like it. I walked over to his dresser and opened the bottom drawer. I took out his Pj's and walked back over to him.

"Here we are!" I said. I helped him take off his dirty clothes and put on this Pj's. I layed him down and tucked him in. "Sleep tight." I whispered. He was already asleep.

I slowly walked out of his room, turned off the light and gently shut the door. I walked back to Shay's room. I peeked into her room and saw her talking to somebody. I could only pick up bits and pieces.

"Yes.. she's my sister." "don't like her.." "But she's my.." "I don't ca..." *Squeak*

The door had made a noise while I was leaning on it and the other voice faded away. Shay instantly concealed that there was ever anybody or anything else in the room a second ago. 

"Sorry.. I kinda tripped while I was coming in. Didn't mean to scare you.." I said.

"Uhm.. okay sissy. I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed now.." She said.

"Okay." I said. i walked over to her, tucked her and and gave her a kiss. "Goodnight." I whispered. I stepped out of the room and went downstairs. I had to find dad. I was seriously worried now and it was dark out.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the flashlight I had left there. I then went to my room and put on some running shoes. I went back down stairs and grabbed my jacket. Walking out the door, I turned the flashlight on and scanned the area. Nothing.. Completely no sign of life. Yet, I had the feeling I was being watched, and maybe even followed.

"DAD!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I suddenly cringed because I remembered the kids were asleep. There was no answer. I called again, but quieter this time. No answer. It was then that I remembered being tripped. I walked back to the direction I came from after being tripped.

There, where I had fallen was a lump. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. I slowly and cautiously walked closer. I kicked it and it groaned. I screamed. I stepped back and the figure started to.. move!

"D-dad?" I squeaked. *Groaning* Oh my god...

"Dad!" I yelled, running over to him. I helped him up and started walking towards the house. He limped along side me. It was slow, agonizing torture. But I kept walking with him. We finally made it to the house and I helped him inside. 

I sat him down on the couch and went to get some tea for him. I came back with a cup of tea, and a plate of cookies. "What happened!" I asked.

"I uhm.. I don't remember... All I remember is blacking out.." He said. I doubt that.. What happened? 

"Oh.. Well will you be alright now?" I asked.

"Yeah. You go on to bed sweetie." he said smiling.

"Okay." I said, more assured. I left the room and headed up the stairs to my bedroom. My bedroom was the second biggest. I had a queen sized bed, a bathroom and a walk in closet. I loved my room..

I got into bed and tried to get some sleep. I tossed and turned, but a few hours later, sleep finally found me.

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