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Dating back as far as I know, there hasn't been peace. There hasn't been time to say hello. It has been the days of running.

After the war 98 years ago, the world hadn't exactly been as it was. Every war we ever had changed us. The one at its turning point was 98 years ago. After that countries depleted and people began to die off. Countries destroyed boarders, and cities were burned to the ground. It wasn't safe. Children were killed and pregnant mothers were slaughtered by the millions. The elderly had been purposely poisoned. Any and all politicians were prosecuted on the spot. When the government decided the world needed one leader and the people fought back. That was the day history was made. Now the world has become something else. What were once seven continents were now three that we knew of. Each one now is its own region. A group of mercenaries divided the groups based on an economical level. Everyone was in the third region when it first started.

Poverty was where we all started. Some never left. The Mercenaries became leaders. Elevated by the idea people began to follow them. About ninety years ago the poverty region had been known as 'Helios'. Helios wasn't a safe place. Once the military groups were removed and the government had been destroyed ranks were nonexistent. The land was an industrial junk yard. The only way to get out was to work. Many refused to put in the time to do so. The Helios Project had been divided into three groups; Mining, Lumber and Farming. The more you worked the closer you were to moving to the next region. Unfortunately with all those promises they never discovered a new region at least not within the first twenty years. The leadership had thought it would be the perfect way to rebuild. The rebellion on the other hand despised the thought of someone taking leadership again. The people had enough of the wars. Every generation grew a new age of rebellion. Though there was no way off Helios. Not unless you could build a boat or fly a plane. Planes were only but a myth by time I was around. No one had seen one fly. They were banned. When the leadership aged they elected new leadership. There was never one man by themselves but many men working together. It seemed to be getting better. Men managed the farms growing food. Lumber and steal were creating homes. The mines were proving to be less than dried up. Once enough food and lumber was created they built a boat and moved on to the next island. Leaving their people to live in poverty, the leadership started to build along the new land.

The rebellion in Helios reminded everyone this would happen and riots began. The leadership sent boats to bring those who had been working hard to the new region. Come to find out a few months later they had found a city free from burns and untouched the homes were more than we would have lived in. They informed the workers that if they restored a home they could keep them. They were put to work again. More than hundreds of families were raised in a prime of thirty to forty years on the new island. They referred to this region as Idilia. Idilia was their interpretation for hope. Eventually the leadership found a way to produce a functioning system. Helios was where you went to work and Idilia to live after ten years of hard labor. Though for many families in Idilia, not many knew what it was like to work. Idilia is built on education. The leadership found a way to educate the people. You had to be living in Idilia to get it. It wasn't exactly fair. From there you could only move up.

In the last twenty-four years our leadership wanted to travel to the third region. This region was not known for anything good. Most people refused the opportunity. I will not forget to mention that the reason we hadn't been so keen on this region was that it was the home and location that started the wars in the first place. They decided to create and enforce a military. Once the military was created the leadership never passed the seat to anyone else. Health prolonged and old age didn't show hardly on any one over sixty. Only family took over if they passed on. Vitality, was the final region. We all feared what they had been doing there. Science and technology were being experimented. The people from Helios fought to move up the ladder while Idilia wished they could go back down. Since most of the Guard had been taken from Idilia families prayed they wouldn't have any boys born. Once you were chosen for the military your memories of your family and past were removed. They couldn't trust you wouldn't warn them. Talks about a new way to brain wash your people. The rebellion was right. This would happen. No one really knew what to do. After a few years the selection for Vitality was unavoidable. No one was free. We were all prisoners. The world was turning into what it had so desperately run from.

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