Hope meeting the guy she likes?! (Part 3)

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(Y/LN) = Your last name
(Y/FC) = Your Favorite Color
(Y/EC) =Your Eye Color
(Y/HC) Your Hair Color

*The Next day*

You wake up then you get ready for school you go in you (Y/FC) sweater then you grab your backpack your mom gives you your food. You put it in your lunch box then you put your phone in your backpack you put your keys in your backpack the then you hug you mom and say goodbye then you open the door then you closed it you ran all the way to school.

You see Hope you run as fast as you can all the way to her. "Hey Hope!" Said (Y/N). "Hey yeah (Y/N)!" Said Hope. "Well today we have a game!" Said (Y/N). "We do?!" Said Hope not understanding. "Yeah we are red team and you are going to play ball hockey we have to win!" Said (Y/N). "What team?" Asked Hope. "Green!" Said (Y/N). "So this is are first game now!" Said Hope.

Then it was time the bell ringed.

*Ring Ring*

Then you and Hope get to class you then you guys go to you next class you are done then it was lunch time you and Hope ate a sandwich. Then it was lunch recess. You had you game... Green team was the strongest team in the school. It was 3-6 you had 3 they had 6. Hope got mad she grab the bows you tryed to stop her you didn't make it in time. She was all ready the dark queen. She started to fly she made a ball fly all the way up to her. She was looking at the one she wanted to hit then when she throwed it.

It was still in the middle of the air.... It stop some how. Then the guy Hope had a crush on came. He flyed up to her then huged her. "You don't have to do this this was just a game for fun you don't have to get mad about it.... So just don't do it..." Said the guy Hope had a mage crush on. "I know it's just I can't take it anymore..." Said Hope the see looked up at him. Then she thinks: It's the guy I had a mage cursh on telling me all this! Then she didn't move at all. She fell all the way down.

You run and you were so close to miss her but you got her. "HOPE HOPE!" Yelled (Y/N). She wakes up. "What happened?" Asked Hope she was back to her own self. "Long story for now." Said (Y/N).

Then you guys won. You and Hope started to hug. "We did it!" Said Hope. Then one of the boys on green team came. "Hey you know that guy you have a mage cursh on like the guy flying and huging you." Said the boy. "How do you know I have cursh on him?" Asked Kitty. "Well I'm that guy I had a cursh on you to..." Said the boy. Then he turned into him.

Then Hope turned into her

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Then Hope turned into her.

Then the boy told her his name

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Then the boy told her his name. Then they went all the was to hell. And then they started to talk to each other.

Then you go to class then you were done school. "Now time for March breack!" Said (Y/N). You go up in your room you grab your phone and text Hope.

You- Hey you there?

Hope didn't answer you... You try again...

You- Hope?
Hope- Yeah (Y/N)
You- Oh your back you didnt answer me at first now you did!
Hope- I was doing something.
You- Oh is it from your mom?
Hope- Yeah she wanted me to run all around the house.
You- Well did you have fun? 😅
Hope- A LOT!
You- Wow. 😆
Hope- Well got to go my mom wants me to do it again!
You- Have fun again! 😅
Hope- I will!
You- Bye!
Hope- Bye!

Then you close your phone then you draw a picture.

Then you close your phone then you draw a picture

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"Done my Yin-Yang!" Said (Y/N). Then you go on your phone and take a picture of your drawing and post it up.

You wait for a few minutes. Then your post somehow had 99 likes and you got like 10 more followers you just needed 1 more to 1000 folowers. So you do this post that says 'Who ever is my 1000 follower gets a shout out!' Then you post it you. You close your phone then your phone rings you open it.

It says you got a follower you give them a shout out. You got 1000 followers.

Words: 788

Hope you liked it it time a long time to think what to write so I did this bye idk what to say 😆! ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

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