(Y/N) seeing Hope with a new friend!? (Part 4)

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(Y/LN) = Your last name
(Y/FC) = Your Favorite Color
(Y/EC) =Your Eye Color
(Y/HC) Your Hair Color

*the next day*

(Y/N) goes to school with everything you need. You go to see Hope you see Hope with someone else. You go up to her you poke Hope she does not look back at you she keeps on talking. You start to think: Why is she not looking at me when I poke her? Are we not friends anymore?

Then you go to class and then you go up to her she everytime talks to you when you go up to her but... This time she didn't talk to you. Then you go back to your seat and start to think: Is her dark side taking her over so she sees me as a ghost.

At lunch you pull Hope somewhere. "HOPE I KNOW YOU CAN SEE ME BUT WHY ARE YOU NOT TALKING TO ME!" Yelled (Y/N). She walks away like nothing happened. You go to the bathroom you go and start to cry you hear someone coming. You stoped crying and go out the bathroom like nothing happened.

It was Hope going to the bathroom. You go back in and fake to cry. Then Hope comes "Are you ok?" Asked Hope. "No!" Said (Y/N). "What happened?" Asked Hope. "It's because one of my friends are not even talking to me!" Said (Y/N). "Oh what's there name?" Asked Hope. "There name is Hope, Hope Wonderwhisper." Said (Y/N). "That's me!" Said Hope.

"I really didn't feel anything only my dark one can it's because if I was the drak queen I would feel it!" Said Hope. "Oh.." Said (Y/N).  "I'm really sorry I didn't know!" Said Hope walking up to you to give a big hug. "I-it's ok..." Said (Y/N) crying an huging he back.

Hope walks back... "(Y/N) wanna be friends again and start everything over?" Said Hope. "Yes!" Said (Y/N) and stoped crying. Then you guys hugged again and then you both go outside because it was the end of school!

Then you find Hope's friend you guys go up to her she looks at you guys "Um h-hi..." Said Hope's friend scard. "Hi! I'm Hope's friend! My name is (Y/N)!" Said (Y/N). "Hi I'm Kate..." Said Kate. "Hey Kate you wanna be friends with (Y/N)?" Asked Hope. "Ok!" Said Kate.

Then you, Hope and Kate started to hangout and then you find a every old friend of yours!

*(Y/N)  POV*

I go up to her. "Hey Skylar!" I said. Then She look at me like I was stupid but I'm not stupid! "Get away from me you person!" Said Skylar. "Ok...." Then I walked away from her and never talked to her that day. Then me, Hope and Kate started to play games and then I see her again I look away from her... She comes up to me then she poke me two times then she looks down... "Ok, (Y/N) I'm sorry I forgot who you were then I rememered all the times about us playing together.... I'm really sorry and I didn't mean to hurt your fellings..." Said Skylar. I see tears coming out then I hugged her... "It's ok... You just needed time to remember about me..." I said and I started to cry with her then Hope and Kate joined us... All of us started to hangout.

Then all of us got tierd then we all sat down and me and Skylar were together and Hope and Kate were together! Then once we all go home I go into my book and then I wrote in it.

Today was my day I got one of my friends back and we will never leave each other alone and she moved to my school and she has some same classes as us and then she got new friends that are Hope and Kate! We will everytime stay together!

Date: May 6 2017

Sign: (Y/N) (Y/LN) ♥

Then you closed it and went to bed in your (Y/FC) pjs! Then you had the best dream of yur life!

*the next day*

You wake up today you remember that today is 'Dress yourself day' you got anyhing you want! Then you put everything on and burshed your hair and putted it in a ponytail. Then you go downstaris and see your mom crying... You go up to her... "Mom why are you crying?" Asked (Y/N). "M-my b-best f-friend... D-died..." Said my mom crying harder... "Oh... What happened to her?" Asked (Y/N). "S-she g-got shot in the heart... Nobody could help her and now she is in her house died and I don't want anyone to take her..." Said mom...

You think... "Maybe Hope can save her because shes the dark queen!"... "Mom I know someone who can save her..." Said (Y/N)... Then you grab her hand and run to Hope's house... "Hope I need you to be the dark queen for something!" Said (Y/N). "Ok!" Said Hope then she turns into the dark queen and hen you guys go to your mom's friends house... Hope goes up to her and puts her hands on where she got sot she said stuff then....


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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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