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I rolled over in my sleep and had felt something weird on my legs. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I pulled up the blankets expecting to Meredith but instead I find blood. I feel myself start shaking as I'm frozen. Unable to move and wake up. I feel my chest tighten and weird noises start escaping from my lips. I watch in horror as Ed rolls over and wakes up.

"Taylor what's wrong?!" He says expecting me to say a nightmare. Instead I shake my head and look back at the blood ridden sheets.

"Oh my god!" He screams standing up. I finally feel as if I've been un frozen and turn towards him.

"E-e-e-d." I sob finally talking again. He quickly wraps his arms around me and picks me up. I jolt in his arms as a searing pain hits my stomach.

"Shhhhhh." I hear him hiss as he runs out to the car. He sets me down and runs over to the drivers side. The car starts up and the race to the hospital begins. I look out the window thinking of the worst. Knowing the worst. I thank my mom silently for volunteering to take Lily to her house tonite. I watch as the hospital come into view. Ed stops the car in the middle of the parking lot and picks me up once more. He runs with me in his arms.

"I NEED A DOCTOR NOW!" He screams panic in his voice. I watch as people look at us in horror. I would too if I were them. I hear sobbing and turn my head to see a girl, about 13, sitting in the waiting room crying. She's looking at me and I examine her. She's wearing one of my shirts and I know she's crying because of me. She's thinking what I'm thinking. I watch her as she slowly turns around and cries into her hands. I bury my head into Ed's chest thinking about the fact that she's crying because she see's me crying and she knows wha going to come out of this situation.

I watch as nurses rush over with a wheel chair. I'm thrown into it by someone and rushed away. I can hear Ed running behind us but he's losing pace. I turn my head and watch behind me as he struggles to keep up. I cry out his name but no one stops to wait for him. I start sobbing and watch as the doors to the room I've been taken to close without Ed inside them.

"NO!" I scream needing him with me. I couldn't do this alone. I was scared. Not only for me but for the life of my baby.

"Mrs. Sheeran we need to make sure your baby's aright and there's too many people in the room." A nurse instructed me.

"NO! You don't understand! I need him!" I scream but they all ignore me. I stare at the door ignoring everything going on around me. I didn't even realize the doctor put the gel on my stomach until I hear him gasp. The doors burst open and Ed runs in as soon as the words leave the doctors lips.

"There's no heartbeat."

We Were Happy {Sweeran short story} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now