Not Now... Not Today

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Hey! So this is my first ever fanfic. The first chapters are somewhat short, but will become longer along the way. Feedback is appreciated. Thank you for reading! (Italics are thoughts)

Clarke POV (Third Person):

  Clarke Griffin was most definately NOT a morning person. She woke up to the blaring of her alarm, placed across the room on her desk. After graduation, she intended to smash that little shit. She also intended to smash Octavia to bits for having the bright idea to put it on the desk in the first place.

Reluctantly, Clarke rolled out of her bed and hit the floor with a thud, groaning at herself. Did I seriously just roll of my bed?! Brilliant job Clarke! Sitting up, Clarke grabbed her phone from her nightstand to check her messages. She had three texts, a couple snapchats, and some Instagram notifications. She decided on responding to the texts first.

Clarkey u better be up! Me and O are coming to pick ur ass up in an hour!

Dont worry! im up!

Raven was always the smartest of the trio. But she was also known for her pranks. If you knew Raven, you would NOT want to be on her bad side. She could think of ten different ways to blow something you own up with just her bare hands and the wires inside it.

Clarke also had a text from Octavia, the most athletic and aggressive one of the three girls. She may be on the short side, but she could most certainly kick your ass if you did something wrong to her or any of the people she cares about.

  The three had met when they were in second grade on the playground at recess. Raven and Octavia were on the swings spinning in them, leading to Octavia to accidentally hit Raven in the face. Clarke saw what happened and ran over to see if Raven was okay, but she pushed Clarke off and punched Octavia in the ribs. Clarke had gotten up and ran to them to break them apart before the teachers came, but she was smaller than both girls and they just pushed her away. Both of them were separated by teachers and the trio was taken to the principals office.

Clarke you better be up by now! Its our first day of senior year!!

Dont worry Octopus im up!

All of Clarke's friends called Octavia Octopus because it got to her so easily. "She's always so cute when she's mad," Lincoln's words, not Clarke's. Lincoln has been Octavia's boyfriend for two years, unbeknown to O's brother Bellamy. Lincoln and Bellamy had been best friends since the first grade, but were a year older than the three girls.

  CLARKEY! dont forget theres gonna be a new kid! Remember? Linc's cousin!

  oh right! i forgot!

  Over the summer, Lincoln mentioned something about his cousin coming to stay with him. Thats all we know.


  Clarke had about half an hour until Octavia and Raven come to pick her up. So, she reluctantly got up off the floor and went into her bathroom to shower and get ready for the day.

  Ten minutes later, Clarke got out of the shower and headed to her closet. She picked a pair of black skinny jeans with a couple rips in them and a white pocket t-shirt, then headed over to her vanity across her room to apply makeup. Deciding to keep it natural, Clarke applied a light blush across her cheeks and some concealer and mascara. Before going downstairs, she grabbed a burgundy hoodie and threw it on so she wouldn't be cold.

Clarke glanced at the time on her phone checking what time it was, noting that she had about five minutes before Raven and Octavia picked her up.

She hadn't heard her mother, so she figured she was at the hospital already. Clarke's mother was Dr. Abby Griffin, one of Arkadia's most renown surgeons, so she was rarely home, but Clarke was ok with that. Ever since Clarke's father... Not now Clarke... Not today. A beep and some yelling outside pulled Clarke from her thoughts, signaling her best friends were outside waiting for her. Checking her fathers watch on her wrist.


On her way out, Clarke grabbed a banana and her backpack. Once outside Ravens rusty, old pickup truck, otherwise known as "Death on Wheels," came into her view. Raven was a incredible mechanic, so somehow, she managed to keep it in working shape. She ran to the car and hopped into the long seat next to Octavia, slapping the back of her head.

"OW! Hey what was that for Griff!?"

"For having the idea to put my alarm clock on my desk instead of my side table," Clarke said as the girls drove off to school.

Thanks for reading!! Please comment because i would appreciate all of the feedback i get. Also if there are any errors, please comment those as well. I plan to update soon. Thank you!

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