Chapter 2

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Thursday had come and gone and Friday was here already. Amelia sat at her desk going through a report which she was due to submit to a client in two hours, no she wasn't nervous she had done this type of presentation a hundred times that she could probably do it in her sleep and still have the client eating out of her palms.
Suddenly Emilia's voice broke into her subconscious and Amelia lifted her head to listen to the commotion in the waiting area, she listened and watched the door
" sorry sir but like I said no appointment no..... hey!" She suddenly shouted "Stop" she kept saying suddenly Amelia watched the door being pushed open so hard it bounced back on its hinges, Emily was spitting profanities in the background but Amelia hardly noticed instead she stared at the door first then the intruder and her breath caught in her throat.
Now Amelia could probably say this was a specimen, he was tall with dark hair and brooding brown eyes, his tie was crooked like he had been pulling it nonstop and Amelia's hand itched to straighten it, it was like a staring contest and no one wanted to back down. Without breaking eye contact Amelia said "Thank you Emily" her assistant turned friend just huffed and walked out closing the door behind her.
After what seemed like forever the man broke eye contact and cleared his throat. And then he spoke, his voice sent a bolt of electricity down her spine and Amelia wondered what the hell just happened, coming out of her revere after she saw a smirk on his lips telling her she had been caught ogling
"Sorry?" She said
"Are you banks?" He repeated.
Obviously he lacked manners and she was about to teach him some after all she's good at that kind of stuff, so she stood and watched his jaw drop, she smiled knowing she got the reaction she wanted.
Suddenly the small woman stood and she wasn't so small anymore and wow what a woman, he watched her walk around her table making a beeline straight for him, he was busy ogling her legs to notice her expression but when he did, he closed his mouth.
From the expression on her face she was Angry no seething would be the word, she stopped an inch from him, she reeked of power, he would know he's got that too, he still towered over her but man was she something but then she spoke and the spell was broken.
"You have exactly" she paused and looked at her watch "40 seconds to leave my office otherwise am gonna call security to walk you out" she turned and walked back towards her desk and picked up the phone. She wouldn't he thought but then he could see the glint in her eyes. He was still frozen to the spot when she spoke again
"If you would like a consultation then I would advise you walk out and make an appointment kapish"
He stared at her, does this woman know who he was, no obviously not, he was "The Kingcade" he doesn't make appointments he gives appointments. Who was this woman who rendered him speechless just by being here and then he heard her speak into the phone "Hi Ryan, please could you send some of your guys to come and escort this nice man out of my office" she paused still looking at him and smiled "thank you so much Ryan" she giggled at something he said and Adam felt something twist in his stomach.
She dropped the call and the smile was immediately gone from her face.
He weighed his options, he hated to lose but knew he had already lost here so he just smirked his signature smirk and said to her "I'll be back Miss Banks and this time around you won't have a choice but to listen to me" and with that he spun of his heel taking his time to open up the door, not at all surprised to see her secretary and some other staff waiting outside the door, he smiled and moved in on Emily with that signature smirk "Am really sorry about before" he said still smiling "I would like to make an appointment, how does Monday by 10 sound like" he said still smiling. He watched the secretary look of him like he was crazy and move to her desk mumbling "I'll just have to check my calendar"
He watched her rummage through some sticky notes and said "what do you know Monday by 10 is free" he watched as she lifted her face and said "be here by 10 no earlier no later"
He smiled and took her hand turning it over and giving her a kiss in her palm, he felt her tremble and smiled, he's still got it, he turned around to the onlooker and bowed finding amusement in their facial expressions all the while formulating a plan in his head. He walked towards the elevator whistling in a much higher spirit than when he got here, 'this is going to be interesting he said to himself'
He found himself wishing that Monday would come sooner just as the elevator dinged signaling its arrival "very interesting indeed"

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