Chapter 4

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It was Wednesday and Amelia still hadn't gotten the signed contract back from Kingcade.

"Emily any word from the Kingcade guy, am supposed to be Visiting his company today" Amelia asked through the intercom.
"No boss, I even tried reaching his office but they kept putting me on hold."
'Hmmm' Amelia thought
"Alright get me a driver, I am going there myself I hate wasting time and if he's not interested anymore in the contract he should have contacted me."
She turned off the intercom,put her shoes back on, picked up a few files and stuffed them into her case and walked out of the office.
"And Emily please make sure those files I asked for are ready by the time am back, this shouldn't take long." She said walking to the elevator.

She had been here thirty minutes already and the receptionist kept apologizing and saying he'll be in soon. Amelia hated tardiness, it was one of the things she had a very strict rule about in her company, so she texted Emily to find his home address and text it to her, in less than two minutes she was out of his Office and heading to the address Emily gave to her.

The house was a mess, if his housekeeper/nanny hadn't just decided to take a sudden leave of absence this wouldn't have happened.
He walked into the kitchen cradling Abigail and almost tripped on something on the floor, he bent to pick it up and shouted
"Coming dad" was the quiet response he got, before his five year old son walked into the corner, bending his head sheepishly knowing he had done something wrong.
"How many times have I told you to pick up your toys when you done with them" he asked

Jason lifted his head and his eyes were watery and he had that upturned lips he puts up when he's trying to get away with something.
"Am sorry dad, I guess I just kinda forgot plus am so used to Maria picking up my stuff for me" he said shrugging.

Adam just sighed because he couldn't get mad at him, he remembered the terror he put his mother through, so he just said.
"Alright I understand that but you have to know that Maria isn't here right now and I dunno when she's gonna be back, it's just me, you and your baby sister, which means you gotta play the part of the responsible brother which means taking responsibilities alright?"

Jason nodded and stared at him before saying "Alright dad" then he turned to look around the whole house, which was an eyesore "But dad, don't you think we need help, this place looks like a dump."
Adam just looked at his son and wondered when he became so matured when he occurred to him that he said "dump", he frowned and asked "Jason? Who taught you that word"
Jason just shrugged and upturned his palms.
Adam shook his head and stretched out his hand to his son
"Aww come on dad, it was just once today"
"Ah ah ah, pay up, a rule is a rule, one bad word one dollar, besides it's still my money, I pay you to be my son so just pay up" Jason grumbled and took out a dollar from the back pocket of his jeans.
"That's a nice boy" walking towards the dining and putting the money into the jar on the table. And then the wailing started,
"Awww not again."
Jason just snickered and walked into the sitting room saying "Enjoy your time with your daughter."

He tried everything, she wouldn't eat, she wouldn't sleep, he checked her diaper she wasn't wet, he just couldn't figure out what was wrong with her.
He tried reaching her doctor, he kept getting his voicemail.
He admits it, he never really had time for his kids. When Jason was born, he was the happiest man alive but he never really spent time at home because of his work, he just always assumed that Abby would be there but when she was pregnant for Abigail and had a complication in her seventh month, he realized his mistake. Abby never got to see her daughter, she initially was to be named Chloe but after Abby had to undergo forced delivery at seven months and he lost her, almost lost the baby too who was born prematurely at seven months plus was placed under intensive care for more months, the day he was finally strong enough to look at her he knew he couldn't call her any other name as she was the spitting image of her mother, stubborn too, for the first time he saw her she stared straight into his eyes defiantly, something only one woman could ever do.
So here he was eight months later with his bundle of joy that was about to blow his eardrums off.

She stood outside the address Emily gave her and stared, hmmm she never would have pegged him for a house kinda guy, maybe a condo in one of those A list apartment buildings, not an all American house with a white picket fence and all, in fact while driving into the neighborhood she had been forced to ask the driver more than once if they were in the right place. With that being said she walked up and rang the doorbell, a few seconds later and no answer so she rang again twice, then went to knock when the door was suddenly opened, no one stood at the door but she could hear the sound of a baby crying and spongebob playing in the background, when someone suddenly said
"Down here."
She looked down to see a boy of maybe five or six, then she thought to her self I must have the wrong apartment.
"Am sorry" she said bending to talk to the little guy "I was just...."
She was cutoff when she heard
"Jason who's at the door and how many times do I have to warn you never to open the door to strangers....Hi."
The shock of seeing her here was clearly written on his face as was the shock of seeing him rocking a crying infant.
"Ah Miss Banks, what are you doing here and how did you find me."
She was short of words as was clearly obvious on her face.
"I....well, I just....shit"
"Hey" the little guy said stretching out his hands "Pay up"
Amelia just stared at him and said "Sorry"
He just rolled his eyes like it was obvious and said to her
"You said a bad word, so pay up"
Her jaw dropped and she turned to look at Adam who just raised a brow like what do you want me to do, do as he asked. She shook her head and rummaged through her jacket for some change.
"Aha" she said "here you go young man" and handed him a dollar bill.
Adam just rolled his eyes and faced her again, while Jason slipped into the house.
"Miss Banks am sorry but this is a really bad time, I have my hands full as you can see, am sorry I forgot our appointment, I'll ask my assistant to reschedule it, if that's fine with you"
She ignored and kept staring at the baby in his arms before saying.

"How long has she been crying" she asked. He just stared at her and shrugged. She shook her head and dropped her case before stretching her hands out.
"May I" he looked at her uncertainty before handing her the baby saying "Sure why not, knock yourself out. But do come into the house I don't wanna seem like a terrible Host." She just shook her head and walked into the house while he picked up her case, immediately she stepped into the house she froze, the place was like a war zone.
"What happened here" she asked

Adam scratched his head before answering, "Trust me, you do not wanna know."

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