3. bye bye softness

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Chapter 3

Previous time

"My, my. Look who we have here. My pretty bolt." he said smirking.

"Laxus what are you doing?" Master yelled. He, Gray, me and all the others were ready to fight when he did something he would regret doing.

Natsu's pov

"Get back all of you! I don't think you want my little bolt roasted, don't you?" he said while her almost struck Y/n with lighting.

"What are you doing Laxus?" Master yelled again.

"Can't you see old geezer? I'm going to make this guild stronger." Laxus said with a smirk.

The curtains fell down and we saw that all our girls were turned into stone.

"You'll all go out and find me. If you can beat me my little bolt and the others can be free, if not... Well, you'll find out later!" Laxus laughed and disappeared.

Everyone ran out of the guild. Of course, I followed but right when I was at the exit I couldn't pass. I couldn't leave the guild.

"You can't leave if you're a statue or over 60." Master said.

"DO I LOOK OVER SIXTY TO YOU?!" I yelled. I tried to break Freed's enchanted wall but failed.

"Oh c'mon! I want to fight!" I yelled. I turned back to where Y/n was and stared at her. 'I need to save her.' I thought. 'The others too, of course.'
What was I thinking? Why was she in my mind all the time? What is she doing to me? I didn't notice master and Gajeel who were looking at the enchantment. People were fighting each other. The person who won could pass the others were out.

"That's it!" I shot up and ran over to Erza.

"What's what, Flame brain?" Gajeel said.

I laid down Erza and started to heat her up. I heard a crack and stopped. "Oh, no Sorry Erza!" I said and after that she was back to normal.

"Why do I feel so hot? Natsu?! Did you try to roast me again?!" Erza yelled but then she noticed it wasn't the time for playing around.

"Do you know what's going on?" master asked her.

"Yeah, I could still hear." she said and walked out of the guild.

20 minutes passed when we suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the stage. I turned around and saw some of the girls back in their normal state. Only Y/n was left. I was worried and it looked like you could notice it.

"Hey, Natsu? Are you okay?" Lucy asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. I had to know what
Y/n did to me. After a minute, she too was normal again.

I was about to ask her when Laxus pulled another trick. Me, Master, Gajeel, Y/n, Bisca and Levy went to the balcony to see what was going on.

"Thunder palace." Y/n mumbled.

"I can just shoot it." Bisca said and pointed her gun.

"No, don't. If you destroy it, it'll backfire with the same amount of magic energy. It's self-torture and a very dumb idea." Y/n said to her. "Lightning isn't very effective on me so maybe I can destroy them without going through such pain."

She tried to leave the guild but she couldn't get out.

"Why can't I leave?" she said.

"You can't leave either?" Gramps said looking at Y/n suspiciously.

"Yeah maybe, let's see for now. Were still trapped in here." Master said.

"I think I can help." Levy said smiling.

Y/n pov

"I think I can help." the light blue haired female said smiling.

She started to read the enchantments and read books while writing stuff down on parchment. After Gajeel helped her, she stood up and removed the barrier.

"Natsu, go look for Laxus! Y/n, are you sure you'll be okay?" the Master said.

"I'll be fine." I said while Natsu stormed outside like a kid when they hear the ice cream truck.

I too left the guild and went to the center of Magnolia. I climbed up a roof and watched the sky. I doubted if I should use my magic. My ice- or poison dragon slaying magic isn't strong enough to destroy everything at once. But if I used my death dragon slaying magic, the wizards could sense the darkness of my power... 'oh well' I thought 'What will they do? I'll save their asses so they won't do anything'

I closed my eyes and calmed myself down. 'Now' I thought. I raised my hands and yelled "Death dragon: double wing attack!" Dark beams shot out of my arms. The one out of my left arm destroyed all the lightning lacrimas on the left, and the beam out of my right arm all the ones on my right.

I landed back on my feet and waited for the big impact that came my way.

Gray pov (didn't expect that one didn't ya?)

I woke up in the alleyway were Bickslow left me after our fight. I saw someone take down hundreds of lacrimas in the sky at once. The person landed on their feet and looked my way.

"Y/n!" I yelled. I got up and walked over to where she was. But as I stood up, she suddenly got surrounded by lightning. She didn't scream or even show that she was hurt. I saw her shaking and knew she was about to fall. As I made my way to her, I saw bruises and cuts marking her body. She slowly closed her eyes and fell to the ground. Before she could feel the impact of the ground, my arms wrapped around her as I caught her right in time. I held her bridal-style as I sauntered to the guild. I felt my legs cry in pain, I was almost out of energy. I recovered a bit but I was still worn out by the fight. My vision blurred and I fell down on the ground, landing with my head on Y/n her lap. 

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