11. We lived happily ever after.

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''This cake is delicious. But it's mine.'' she said with a dark aura around her. I backed of and let her eat because I liked to live another day. Especially because I'm finally happy.

your pov. 

When the party was over most of the guild left. Me and Natsu were still talking and laughing. Suddenly he came closer and hugged me. 

"Never leave me Y/n." He said in a cute voice. 

"I promise." I said and hugged him back. 

"They loooooove each otheeerrrr!" Happy chimed in.

"Fro thinks so too." What was she doing here? I looked up to see the Sabertooth guild with us. 

"We invited them to the party..." Lucy said. "They've been here for the whole time." How come I didn't smell them? I thought. I looked at Natsu to see him thinking the same. I shrugged, I didn't really care. As long as I could stay in the arms of my loving boyfriend and sleep I was fine. 

"So are you two dating?" Erza asked. Me and Natsu looked at each other and smirked. 

"No, just best friends." We said. Mira sighed and looked down. Hahaha their mouths will drop if we tell later. 

"Sure." Lucy huffed. We both nodded and left the guild. We walked to the park, hand in hand. We bought some ice cream and sat on the bench. 

"I wanted to thank you, Natsu... You saved my life literally 4 times... When I fell from the tower of heaven, When I fell in that town thanks to Gray's wonderful idea, when I was cursed and because you came in it. You made me laugh and smile and accepted me. Gray told that you never believed that I was a real dark wizard, and I'm grateful for that." I said smiling at him. He was just eating his ice cream while looking at the sky. 

"Sorry did you say anything?" He said to me. I laughed.

"No Natsu. I didn't." I laughed at the dragon slayers stupidity. I wonder what he was thinking.


Me, Natsu and Gray were talking in the guild a few days after I joined.

''I bet I can drink 7 bottles without falling.'' Natsu said.

''Pfff I can drink 10." Gray said back.

''I can drink even more then the two of you.'' I laughed.

''Why don't we do a drinking contest?" Gray said. We looked at eachother and nodded.

''Loser pays.'' I said and smirked. They both nodded and Mira gave us our drinks.

Natsu drank 6 and fainted. Gray fell from his chair at number 8 and I still sat but fell at 11. We both laid on top of eachother, no one caring because they were laughing.

The next day we woke up on the table. I was ibetween the two idiots and they were both hugging me. I was a blushing mess. I noticed how cute and peaceful Natsu looked when he was sleeping and I couldn't help but smile.

What is this feeling? I wanted to hug him. Do I, like him? I woke the two of them up because Erza made me scream when she entered the guild. The two jumped up and held onto me, when I held onto them.

''What's wrong Y/n? Did I see something I wasn't supposed to see?" she smirked. She saw me staring at Natsu. My face became even more red.

That was the day I fell in live with the idiot.

-back to reality-

''Y/n? Do you like Gray?" Natsu asked out of the blue.

''Ice princess? Yes... As a friend.'' I answered. ''Why?"

''Just because.'' he said. I lifted his chin and pecked his lips.

''I love you, Natsu Dragneel.'' I smiled.

''I love you too, Y/n.'' he said.

We shared a tender kiss and went back to the guild. When we entered we saw everyone doing what they usually do and went to sit at the table from before. He pulled me in his lap and whispered something in my ear.

I nodded and kissed him. We heard the whole guild go silent and I felt the stares in my back.

''Omg!!!! S/n (ship name) came true!!!" Mira shouted. Master ran down the stairs and his jaw dropped.

''Natsu what are you doing to Y/n?!" he yelled.

''What? Can I not kiss my wonderful girlfriend?" he smirked. Now everyone was in shock.

''The pyro has a girlfriend before me??!" Gray yelled. Me and Natsu fell on the ground, laughing.

''Let me fix that for you.'' I said. Everyone looked at me weirdly. ''Juvia!!!" I yelled.

''Ah Gray-sama! Juvia is here to keep you company! Let's marry and have 33 babies!" she jumped in his arms. I cracked up again and started to run since Gray was running after me.

''Don't touch her.'' Natsu said and engulfed me in a hug so Gray wouldn't hurt me.

''Omg, Mira! They're being cute!" Erza yelled and they both started fangirling.

This is when I realised that I had everything I needed. A family and a loving boyfriend who'd never leave me.

''I love you, Y/n.'' he whispered.

''I love you too.'' I said.

''Aaaawwww'' everyone said and smiled as we kissed.

I'm finally happy.

This is the end of this story. I hope you liked it and if you didn't... I don't care really... Leave a vote or a comment and don't forget to share. I love all my readers and I hope to see you again in the next fairy tail x reader😉😉

Peace out guys🌹💚

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