6. How could you?

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"We're glad that you're part of our team y/n." We all said together making her smile again but then kicking us all because she dislikes hugs. We all laughed at her action.

Thirth person view

You were now in the guild for exactly two months. It was morning and you just woke up in your bed. You've found and small house for 50.000 jewels. No rent. So of course you bought it. It was a wreck at first but you turned it into something beautiful.

In that time in the guild, you were on jobs most of the time to earn the money but your house was all done now and you could relax. You put on and walked to the guild, unaware of the shock you will see.

Natsu's pov.

Y/n is now part of our family for 2 months and we decided to throw a party. Gray and me came up with the idea. Erza agreed because there'd be cake and Lucy was excited so she could wear her new outfit. Juvia was happy too. She and Y/n were very close. I don't know why tho.

We hung up ballons and a banner. There were sweets all over the place and glitter too.

"She's coming!" Gray yelled making everybody hide and turn out the lights.
Not long after the doors opened and a very confused y/n came in.

I jumped up turning on the lights and everyone yelled in unison, "Happy 2 months!!!!!"

She was taken aback by the sudden noise and took a step back.

I ran over to her and tackled her in a hug soon followed by Gray and Juvia. After we let go, Lucy and Levy also hugged her. Of course Erza had to hug her to and crushed her head to her chest. Y/n suddenly broke into pieces and fell on the ground.

"What?!" Everyone yelled. We all surrounded the broken pieces when someone fell on the ground laughing.

"Y..you should have seen... T..the looks on your faces.. That was hilarious." The person laughed. I turned around to see y/n on the ground holding her stomach.

"How? What?" Erza asked.

"You guys know I don't like hugs, so when Natsu, Juvia and Gray let go of me I quickly made a fake me and rolled behind Cana her empty bottle." She said calming down a bit.

"Don't do that again. Juvia was scared that she lost you." Juvia said hugging y/n.

"I wouldn't do that." She told her.

"Now what is this?" Y/n asked confused.

"You're part of the guild for two months and you stole almost all the job requests. People know you and think you're amazing. You've never failed. Not even once. You always came back alive and all." Lucy said. I nodded. It was true. Y/n was amazing. I am still suprised that she can hide her magic. I always try to ask her but she changes the subject every time.

"You guys didn't have to." She smiled.
"Of course we had to! You're our friend and-" Lucy would give her the talk again so I cut her of.
"Let's eat cake!" I yelled.

Erza was the first one to react. She shot up and ran to the cakes. Me and y/n were the first ones to laugh. I looked at her and took her away from the others.

"Whats up Natsu?" She smiled at me.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a job with me." I told her.

"Sure! Why not. Let's just wait until tomorrow." She said. I nodded.

"You guys ain't going on a job without us." Gray said standing next to Erza, Lucy and Juvia.
"And me!" Happy said flying over to me and sitting on my shoulder.

We kept on talking and laughing that day until a weird guy entered the guild. Everyone grew quiet. He wore a black hoodie that covered his face and a black pants. Erza was the first one to speak up.

"Who are you?" She asked sternly.

"I'm here for the girl." He said looking around.

"What girl?" Lucy asked stepping forward next to Erza.

"The dark one." He said casually.

"There are no wizards in this guild with dark magic so turn around." Gray said joining them.

"Yeah!" I said also standing next to them.

"Well then I guess you have no problem if I do this?" He said and brought his right hand to his left. A beam flew around the guild. It tickled but nothing happened.

"See? Nothing." Gray said.

"If I clap my hands, dark wizards will use their power, get it?" He said looking around. I looked around to and saw y/n looking worried.

The unknown man clapped his hands and kept looking around. I did too and saw y/n shaking a little. What's up with her. It looked like she was holding back her magic. But that means... No! She can't be a dark wizard.

"You over there." The man pointed at y/n. "Why are you shaking?" Everyone turned their heads in her direction.

"I'm cold." She said.

"Come over here." He demanded.

"uuuh, no." She said.

"I said come!" The guy shouted making her startle. She didn't budge. Instead he moved over to her making her step back, still shaking.

He teleported right in front of her and placed his hand on her head making her scream in pain. Her hands got surrounded in black fire and her eyes became black. You could see black scales on her face and wings started to grow on her back. Her hair waved behind her and she screamed once again.

"What's going on with her?" Gray and Erza asked.

"She's using her magic." The man said.

"What!?" Everyone yelled.

"I present you the 'death dragon slayer'." He said making all of us gasp.

"No... That's impossible." I said stepping forward a bit. "She can't be. She isn't!! I know she isn't bad!! She's good! She's our friend!!" Something fell from my eyes. Was I crying? But, I never cry? Well I didn't really care now since one of my best friends pretended to be our friend. She betrayed us? I can't believe it.

"How can we trust you?" Erza asked. The man took of his hoodie and presented a man from the magic council. I couldn't see him clearly because of the tears in my eyes.

"We were looking for her for a long time already and I've finally found her." He said. "She's wanted. She killed a lot of people."

Tears kept streaming down my face. How could she. I looked over to her and saw her shocked expression. She wanted to say something but I turned around, not wanting to look at her.

The next thing I knew, she spread her wings and flew out of the guild, entering the dark looking forest.

The mystery of the Dragon Girl [Natsu X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now