Part 2

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John sat back in his armchair and grinned. Finally, it was finished. His experiment to clone cats was going to work. After that, he'd do walruses. Maybe one day he'd create an eggman.

 "How's it going, John?" Ringo asked politely. John had been working on his experiment for days, only stopping when Paul forced him to eat and go to bed, and even he had dark bags under his eyes. The other lads had enjoyed it though; they'd never seen John so occupied and quiet, quite a change from the usual, annoying John they knew.

"I've finished," John beamed, extremely pleased with himself. I'll never hear the end of this, thought Ringo, maybe we'll have to find him something else for him to play with.   

"What was your project anyway?" Ringo questioned.

"I've made a liquid able to clone cats," John boasted.

"Well done, very impressive," Ringo pretended he meant it, but John wasn't really listening anyway; he was putting the cobalt liquid into a syringe.

Paul and George walked into the room. Ringo went over to them and whispered, "Fellas, we better get him something else soon before he starts getting annoying again." They both nodded.

"Do you want to see it chaps?" John walked carefully with the syringe in both hands, and showed it to his band mates.

"John, there's just something in the things you show me..." George patted him on the shoulder.

"That's gear, John!" Paul supported him enthusiastically, then glared at George.

John was showing it off to Ringo, when George suddenly spotted his packet of jellybabies on the table by John's 'work', the packet half eaten.

"JOHN, YOU ATE MY JELLYBABIES!!!!!!!!" George screamed at John, and pushed him hard into Ringo.

"Ouch!" Ringo yelped, as the syringe went into his arm. He saw tangerine trees and marmalade skies, cellophane flowers of yellow and green towering over his head, rocking horse people eating marshmallow pies,and heard a voice singing 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da'.


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