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I opened my mouth to answer but Adam beat me to it

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I opened my mouth to answer but Adam beat me to it.

"They aren't contacts."

"What do you mean they're not contacts? Are you saying her brown eyes just suddenly turned purple?" Chase asked sarcastically.

Adam turned to me. "Brown eyes?"

I shrugged. "Precautions." I said simply. Adam immediately understood.

So what changed today? He asked with his eyes. I shrugged. Then, I turned back to Chase.

"My eyes are naturally purple. The brown eyes you've seen me with are contacts."

He didn't appear to buy it, but he nodded, anyways. "That's cool."

"They're serious." Parker finally spoke up, gazing at me intensely. I raised an eyebrow but he continued to stare until Adam spoke up.

"Why would we not be?"

Chase shrugged. "Maybe 'cause there's no one else in the world with that eye color?" He replied sarcastically.

"Actually-" Adam started, but I cut him off, finishing the sentence for him.

"-There are about 600 people in the world with purple eyes."

"Shut up."

"Excuse me?" I asked, faking offense. 

Chase smirked. "You're excused."

I rolled my eyes. "Wow, so mature."

Chase winked. "You know it." 

I let a smile slip on to my face. Maybe Adam's friends aren't so bad after all.


Parker and Chase went home at seven o'clock. Parker was acting weird the whole time but Chase got comfortable and we talked about random things.

When we got bored of just talking we played on COD on my x-box. Obviously, I did so much better than Chase did but he couldn't admit it. 

He said he'd rather buy me food than admit that so now I don't have to pay for lunch tomorrow. 

Parker and Adam watched as Chase and I bonded. They were both communicating with their eyes the whole time which made me suspicious, but I didn't comment on it.

At the moment, I was eating ice-cream while face-timing with JEM (that's the group name for Julie, Emma, and Mint).

"So, yeah. My day wasn't as terrible as I thought it'd be." I finished explaining.

"How come we've been friends for years and none of us knew about your actual eyes?" Emma asked, looking offended.

I raised my arms in surrender. "I wasn't ready, okay? Besides, I didn't want to be called a freak."

"And you do now?" Julie asked.

"Well no, but-"

"Girl, your point aint even valid then." She said.

"It is-"

"No it isn't." Emma and Julie stated at the same time. When they realized Mint hadn't said anything, they turned the conversation to her.

"Did you know?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Okay, Okay. Stop Guys. Mint only knows cause she caught me without them once. Emma, you were at your aunt's and Julie, you were visiting your sister in England or whatever- was her name Bella?- at the time."

"And..." They prodded, knowing that there was something I wasn't telling them.

"Fine. I'll tell you the rest. You know Don? The new kid. He used to be my best friend. Shit happened. He moved away and I got contacts so if he ever came back he wouldn't recognize me. Today I finally believed he wouldn't ever come back so I came without the contacts."

"Shit happened?" Emma asked. "Like what?"

My breathing became heavy. "I can't talk about that right now."

"Wait-" I hung up without letting Julie finish. I knew it was rude but I couldn't get the memories out of my head.


Yay! I finally updated

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Yay! I finally updated. Sorry for the wait.

Who do you think Rachel is? What do you think of this chapter? Why do you think Parker is acting so weird?




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