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As I walked into the house I couldn't help but think about earlier. At first, I thought it would be funny and it was, but now I knew I had to watch my back. As much as I tried to seem unaffected by the threat in Anna's voice, I wasn't. She had me constantly looking over my shoulder.

I let out a loud sigh. I really need to think about the consequences of my actions.

I knew going out was probably my second stupidest move after this morning, but I can't do anything about it now. I met up with my friends, had fun, things were going fine until I thought of what she was going to do for revenge.

That girl definitely goes overboard at times. She does her research first, to make sure whoever's on the receiving end regret meeting her, then she plans exactly how she'll pull it off, and lastly, she'll actually do it.

If she ever got caught she'd usually get away with it because of how innocent she seemed. But unfortunately, I knew better from first-hand experience. My sister was not a force to be reckoned with. Her sharp, calculating, mind and violent tendencies are proof of that.

I almost shuddered when I pictured what I'd be going through soon enough. I'd rather just have her punch me til I'm all black and blue. Yes, she's that bad.

I almost let out a sigh of relief when I realized I made it to my room unscathed. I took my key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. Don't look at me like that, she's evil. Locking the door wouldn't have stopped her because she knew how to pick locks, but it would delay her.

As I looked around I expected my room to be completely trashed, but it looked normal. Everything was untouched and for some reason that made me feel a prickle of anxiety and suspicion.

The suspense was killing me.

I eyed my room warily and when I was sure nothing was going to pop out at me I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I might, just might, be safe from Anna's wrath, at least for now.

Cautiously I walk into my bathroom. Everything looked the same except for one thing. The hairspray can looked duller than normal. I know it was stupid, and I shouldn't have, but I shrugged it off.

Trust me, I'm not making that mistake again.

I couldn't see the inside of my shower because of my curtain, so I tiptoed. Then, very carefully I pulled the curtain open a little bit and peaked inside, half expecting a jump scare. Thankfully there wasn't but that just made me more suspicious. What is this girl up to?

I yank the curtains open. No spiders, snakes, beetles, clowns(don't ask), or anything out of the ordinary. I put my face in my hands. Why do I have to be so stupid sometimes?

I decided to take a shower. I'll just deal with this afterward.

Five minutes later, I was done showering. I reached for my towel. After drying myself I got into the spare clothes I kept in the bathroom in case I ever forgot to grab clothes(Or for when Anna stole them.

Then, I plugged in my hair dryer. I would towel dry, but it didn't make my hair look as fluffy. Caring about how my hair looked was mistake number 2. As soon as I started drying, instantly something dry landed all over my face and head, making my shut my eyes on instinct.

My eyes shot open and I started coughing after accidentally inhaling whatever it was. When I looked in the mirror my face and hair were completely white because of the flour.

My eyes widened as I took in my appearance. Quickly I grabbed my towel and violently rubbed at my hair, muttering curses under my breath. Grabbing my towel was mistake number 3. Water and flour were stuck to it, effectively ruining my favorite towel.

I grumbled when I realized that the flour was starting to dry on to my hair. Grabbing the nearest comb, I frantically tried getting the rest of the flour off. That was mistake number 4. Instead of scraping it off, it broke the flour down so much, it looked like dandruff.

By then, all the flour was dry and I felt helpless as I looked at my hair. "Honestly Anna did you really have to go after the hair?!" I shouted out to no one in particular.

I guess in a way I was relieved the prank was over with, but I was still a little skeptical, because this honestly wasn't that bad compared to what she usually did. That was mistake number 5, thinking it was over.

I should've known Anna wasn't done yet.

I let the washroom to grab another two towels, since mine was ruined now and I sure as hell won't be using my hairdryer to dry my hair. I took another shower to get all the flour out and when I was successful, I almost cried out of happiness. Messing with a guys hair is just cruel.

I quickly dried my hair. Then, I grabbed my hair gel and twisted it open. I gave it a sniff, just to be cautious. It smelled the same as usual so I shrugged before gelling up my hair.

It was only after I applied it, I realized the consistency was weird. It was runnier than it should be and it felt kind of sticky. When I took a comb to brush my hair to perfection, my hair felt hard. That's when I knew something was wrong.

I took the hair gel container and sniffed again. It smelled like glue this time. Letting out a growl of frustration I turned on the sink and put my head under the running water. I washed the almost dry glue out of my hair and off of my hands.

When I was done, I dried my hair one more time, eyeing all my hair products. It was probably stupid, but I decided to try one more time. Third times the charm, right?

That was my last mistake.

I grabbed the Hairspray bottle and closed my eyes before spraying my hair. This time I was smart enough not to spray it all over my hair. I only sprayed in the front so if Anna messed with it, I wouldn't have to wash my whole head... again.

An all too familiar odor filled my room and my eyes shot open in disbelief. "Seriously? Spray paint?!" I ask incredulously.

As soon as I see my hair, my nostrils flare in anger. My pinked haired reflection stares back at me, looking just as enraged as I feel.

"Annika Rosaline F*cking Winters, you are going to pay for this." I said menacingly, trying to calm myself down.

I sighed, sadly eyeing the hair supplies that I knew I was going to throw out. I wasn't taking any more chances.

I kept the "hairspray" though. I could use that prank on someone else. No one has to know it was Anna's idea.

 No one has to know it was Anna's idea

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