Chapter One

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      I woke up to the sound of something walking in to the door, grunting and more slamming. I sat up on my elbows and looked around.


I ran out of propane for my lanterns, my candles must have been blown out from the wind.

      The house let off a gloomy stench, moldy if even. Light was trying to peak through the bordered windows. The stairs were wooden, along with the floors but the wood was rotting, that probably added to the cause of this discusting stench. The couch was green, and covered in blood. It has holes with springs sticking out and honestly it looks like a decomposed hand is sticking out

      I went upstairs and did one more quick search before I left. A shiv, a few knives, a rope, and a gun with no ammo. However, I had a feeling there would be some ammo downstairs in the kitchen.

      I smelt this - this smell I just couldn't put my finger on. It seemed to be coming from the washroom. I carefully walked over, drawing my knife, making sure I was perfectly stealthy. A small groan

came from the bathroom and I bounced back in fear. Just to get it over with, I quickly opened the door and ran back to the farthest room. Nothing.

      I was filled with suspension. I walked back over carefully, just incase something was there, I walked in holding my knife up ready to stab yet another zombie.

A zombie head was in the sink. I left it there, no point in wasting time.

I walked out the back door, quietly, not to draw attention. Today the air was thin, but at the same time thick - as if a factory smog was filling the air. I took a sniff.

     For once it smelt at the least bit fresh. I spent a quick moment debating wether or not I should go through the back forest or around to the front and take out the zombie.

      I decided to go around the second route - around the front. I walked carefully and quietly. Still, I managed to grasp his attention and cause yet another commotion. He came running after me, I struggled to pull my shiv out, luckily I got it. He was coming closer and closer. Quickly, I tightened my grasp on my shiv and brace myself for the attack. Then he propelled himself on to me, tackiling me. I smelt his breath. Discusting stench of dried blood and raw meat. I repeat, discusting.

I stabbed his head, blood getting in my mouth and on my face, splattering everywhere. I was gagging so badly my stomach started to hurt. It tasted like rust, like when you suck on metal. In addition, it tasted like wet dirt and old cheese with raw meat. It was horrid.

I couldn't afford to go door-to-door killing so I ended up going through the forest. I walked carefully, only because there was a shit ton of sticks and bones from dead animals. Suddenly, I heard a blood curdling scream. It sounded like it came from behind me, I quickly turned and drew my gun.


I turned in every direction and I didn't see anything. I just ran, however running probably wasn't my brightest idea seeing as I ran into a huge herd of "walkers". I looked around to see a girl in a tree screaming as if she just got her leg cut off while she was alive.

I fired my gun in the opposite direction sending them all ape shit and running over there. A few stayed around the tree, I took them out with my knife.

"Get down," I commanded.

"Now, Princess!" Was she waiting for an invitation? I mean, excuse my rudeness but come on I only have so many hours of sunlight.

Eventually this kid made her way to the ground.

"Whats your name, kid?" I asked expecting an answer, instead she sat there shivering like a wet dog in the middle of winter.

She then ran in for a hug but I have the new reflex of putting my palm out to place it on a forehed (to brace for a stab) so she was there reaching for me.

"What. Is. Your. Name?" I said getting close to her face. She stopped, breathing heavily.

"My. Name. Is. Vivian." she mocked me. I've already grown a passionate hate for her.

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