Chapter Three

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I woke up sweating, breathing heavily. The first thing I see is Vivian, right in my face which scared me even more, I jolted back and got my shiv out.

"Woah, woah, woah," Vivian said calmly.

"Its just me." Vivian looks over her shoulder, a butterfly catches my eye but I'm too weak to keep watching, eventually I got dizzy.

"Here, drink this." Vivian hands me some water and I drink it like its my first drink in years.

"What happened to me, Vivian?" I try to talk loudly but my throat is so sore I can barely whisper. I feel as if someone crammed dry wall down my throat.

"Well. Where do I begin?" She said with a smirk, shaking her head.

"You were out cold for four days, you passed out of dehydration and I assume your little panic attack didn't help either," she was still smiling.

"anyways, I found a hospital a few miles down the road, and a grocery store. I got us a shit ton of water and some food. I also got us blankets and pillows, I figured we would've been camping here for a few days."

"Oh." I say, managing to speak clearly again.

"Oh no, theres more sweety,"

"The swarm came back again, but I killed them all. I had to use our guns, but I got us more ammo from the police station. Other than all of that, its been pretty quiet. Oh, I also got us medication and ibuprofen and some vitamins from the hospital and grocery store. We should be okay for a few months."

"We should get moving." I said. My butt was actually numb from sitting on it for for days, my body ached and my fingers were getting that prickily feeling from

having my hands clenched in a fist I presume. The air was super thick and the smell of rotting bodies made me want to gag.

"Vivian?" I said with a slight cough, my head was pounding.

"What?" She said with a bit of attitude.

"Can we please just stop for a minute. I need vitamins and ibuprofen. My head is killing me."

Vivian quickly swung her bag around to her stomach with it making a soft thud. She threw me the pill bottles and I swallowed them both at the same time, which killed my throat. I threw the pill bottles back, swung my gun around my left shoulder and my backpack on my right and we continued down the road.

Vivian stops, dead in her tracks and I get concerned. She turns around to look at me.

"You're welcome, you know. For taking care of you and getting you the supplies you need and proper equipment. You're so welcome. I'm glad to have such a thankful friend  like you."

She said friend so sarcastically - not that I'd classify Vivian as a friend. She was more of an aquaintence. Not even.

"Look, I was waiting until we got shelter to be thankful. I was going to repay you by making dinner for the next four days, so before you go mouthing off just remember that I am, and I always will be one step ahead."

Sometimes she drives me up the wall.

I completely avoided the intersection of

Broadview Ave and Key St. I decided to take another "forest fun" detour. But Vivian was in love with something this time. She ran around, picking out flowers and eating berries, in fact, I helped eat the berries. Anyways, she seemed too cheerful.

"Look love,"

I'm not too keen on calling people "love" but obviously she wasn't going to listen if I told her to calm the fuck down.

"I hate to burst your bubble and all that jazz. But I'd really like to get moving, rather than sitting around smelling the roses - literally."

"Fine, fine." Vivian said rolling her eyes.

"I was just trying to lighten the mood."

The sun was setting and the way it set tonight was so  unimaginably beautiful, I just stopped, dropped my things and sat down for a minute. I opened a bandana I had filled with berries and I ate them all.

The sunset had such flattering colours of pale pinks to dark redish-oranges. It also had some purple and yellow, all amazing blended as if someone had crafted it himself. Vivian slowly came over and sat beside me and rested her head on my shoulder.

I winced, I wasn't used to affection. I assume that I was like an older sister to Vivian seeing as I am 17 and she is 14. She needs someone here, in this twisted world and thats all she wants. Someone. However, pushing her away is what I do best. I can't love anymore and I can't be decently minded. I need to be independent and self concious.

I will stand alone.

I always have.

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