Monday, March 17th

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A/N I've got a cameo in here. Thx!! Vote and comment because I care about what YOU think.

I barely could sleep last night. I was staying up all night telling myself over again, OMG! Do you have any idea what this means? You're going to be a celebrity. It was already 6:30 so I got up and took a shower. I almost forgot it was St. Patrick's Day. Oh well. After my hair dried, I put on my special cute outfit. It was a green shirt with a black sweater on top of it and cute white jeans with my special Jimmy Choo heels I bought recently. I got my book bag and shuffled away to school. The camera guys and the whole team would come right when school ends.

I always tried my best to go to school earlier than MacKenzie because I really don't need her dang input on anything I do. As I walked up to the hallway, I saw a figure putting on lip gloss. MacKenzie was already there. Lucky me. :( I tried to avoid contact with her but no such thing. She slammed her locker shut and glared at me with hatred clearly manifesting in her eyes.

"You think you can get anything you want when you want it, don't you, Maxwell? If anyone should be having a record deal AND their own reality show, it should be me. You know that I'm so much prettier and popular than you," she spat while she applies her stupid lip gloss on her stupid lips.

"You know what, MacKenzie? I honestly never met such an arrogant, incredibly VAIN girl like you in my life. I can't believe you would actually act so much superior than me. You pretty much HIDE behind all that phony makeup and extensions. If anything, I deserve getting this opportunity since I have to go through HECK dealing with you every single day," I smacked back at her. She looked like an atomic bomb about to explode this entire school.

"I CONTROL THIS SCHOOL BECAUSE I'M THE MOST POPULAR GIRL HERE AND I'M NOT GOING TO LET SOME UGLY DORK LIKE YOU STEAL THAT FROM ME. YOU CAN JUST SUCK IT, NIKKI MAXWELL. YOU DON'T BELONG IN THIS SCHOOL ANYWAY," she bellowed so loud it could make windows break. I just gaped at her in complete and utter DISGUST. That girl clearly has mental issues.

"You can yell all you want about me to this entire school because, hear me clearly MacKenzie, I will NOT let a demon like you ruin my life and get away with it. I am sick with your little sick, pathetic tantrums. Just stop talking to me, you little spoiled brat," I said confidently. I slammed my locker shut and walked to my fist hour class while she gave me the death stare that could burn holes in my head. 

The first thing I noticed when I walked into French is that there was a substitute sitting in my French teacher's chair, (I have no idea how to say my teacher's name, it sounds like a sneeze.) When the bell rang, he cleared his throat and spoke.

"Alright students, my name is Mr. Vela and I will be your substitute for this class. I want you raise your hand when I call your name. Daniel Michael Luebbers?"


"Ok, Ciara Renee Keller?


"Alright, Nicole Jade Maxwell?"

I blushed. I hated my real name. I rose my hand.

"Here," I said flatly.

"Great, uh..."

I went on until he finally said everyone's name.

"I have an important announcement to make. In May, you guys will be going on a special fieldtrip to France and you will have to pay for half the price for your plane ticket. Surely, your French teacher has told you this back in the fall, correct?"

We nodded.

"Great! Remember, keep working on earning your money," he sat down and we wrote the feminine and masculine nouns on the board. Ugh! I almost forgot about that fieldtrip. Oh well, it's only two months away. I kept jotting down my notes.

After school ended, I ran as fast as I possibly could so that I could start filming. I looked into my driveway. There was a huge van with 15 Minutes of Fame plastered on the side of it. I opened the door of my house to find the crew on the couch having coffee while chatting with my mom. As soon as they spotted me, this woman shook my hand vigorously.  

"it is so nice to meet you, Nikki. My name is Courtney and I'll be the head executive producer while Trevor is busy. Please sit on the red chair," she pointed at the velvet chair behind me. I took a seat.

"Now, the way this will work is that we'll just tell you questions about your life and you answer. It's more similar to an interview," she explained. "Paul, get the camera ready! Alright, I'll ask you the questions and you answer. Take one, set, ACTION!"

"So, tell us what is your name?" Courtney asked while Paul the camera guy pointed the camera to me. I flushed a nervous glance at Courtney but I got over it.

"Well, I was born Nicole Jade Maxwell, but everyone calls me Nikki," I answered clearly.

"Good, now who is your inspiration for singing music?"

"I guess I would say my dad for always singing his beloved oldies music so much that they got stuck in my head and I liked to sing them," I replied. Courtney led out a chuckle.

"Alright, so how did you feel when Mr. Chase decided to record your original song with your band, Actually, I'm Not Really Sure Yet?

"I felt so excited and it was unbelievable that this kind of opportunity would happen to me and my friends."

"Excellent, so is there a special someone out there that, you know, is particularly... a boy?" Courtney raised her eyebrows up and down.

"Umm..." I blushed profusely, "Sure, I do. He's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet."

"Can we have a hint on who this special boy is?"

"He's the drummer for the band and a really cute boy with a beautiful smile," I quickly gave a sign to Courtney to change the subject. She nodded.

"Moving on, so who would you say would be the most important member of the band?"

"Umm, actually, I think all of us are pretty important to the band."

"Ok, CUT!" Paul stopped rolling.

"Thanks so much, Nikki. We'll start on your other friend tomorrow," Courtney said as all the men packed up their equipment and headed for the van. Well, that was quick, I thought to myself. I shrugged and felt happy that it was this easy to do a reality show for 15 Minutes of Fame. I sat back and got a text from Brandon.

So, how was it?

It was short. I can't believe how easy it was to do a reality TV show.

Well, hope it turned out well. See you tomorrow, Nikki.

Thx. I'll see you tomorrow too. Bye.


I put my phone back into my pink phone carrier. I don't know why but something's not right. It couldn't possibly be that short. Something smells fishy and I don't like it. :(

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