Tuesday, March 18th

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Hey guys! Before you read this chapter, I'd like to thank all of you guys for bringing in 500,000!! That's amazing!! I adore everyone of you and keep reading and voting. That would help a lot! Thanks so much for all your support.

You'll never guess what pathetic horrendous stunt MacKenzie tried to pull today. She actually stooped down so low to actually kill something to get her way.  As you all know, Brandon asked me to help him at the animal shelter today. Once school ended, I gave my book bag to Chloe so she can drop it off her house since we were having a sleepover today. After that,I started off to Brandon's locker.

"Ready to go?"

"Uh huh. Let's go."

I was a nervous wreck walking with him. So many ferocious butterflies were fluttering in my stomach. As we entered the building, I noticed it had some remodeling done. The walls were now painted red and there was new accessories for all the animals. I noticed a cute little puppy in the corner scratching his ears. Everything seemed so happy and content than the last time I was here.

"I was thinking if you would help me on-" Brandon was interrupted by Betty, the owner of Fuzzy Friends.

"Why, hello, dear Nikki! You look lovely today. How is my favorite girl?" I blushed.

"I'm great, Betty. I love what you've done with the place. It looks beautiful."

"I know. We really seemed to kick it up a notch. But we could've never done it without your help in December," she gushed.

"Why, thank you. So, how is Phil?"

"He's doing amazing, sweetheart. He's now in rehab for the next two weeks. But he send you his wishes for all your help."

"You really don't need to thank me. It was a pleasure helping you with the shelter and all," I replied nonchalantly while Betty just nodded her head and smiled huge. She then turned to Brandon.

"Honey, can you please exercise the puppies and feed them? Nikki could help you with that," she kissed Brandon on the forehead and walked to her office. He blushed profusely when he caught me smiling at him.

"Want to help me with the puppies?" He asked as he picked up the cute puppy that was in the corner.

"Of course!" I picked up an adorable little cocker spaniel as he licked my hands happily. We rushed the puppies into the backyard and they scampered about, yapping away into the field of dandelions. Brandon got out this cute little red rubber ball and bounced it up and down.

"This is how I usually get them to run around and play. Here, I'll stay on this spot and you run kind of far away from me. I'll throw you the ball and they would want to jump up and catch it. We'll just throw the ball back and forth until the puppies get tired, then we'll feed them,"' he explained. The cute puppy ran up to me and started putting his small paws on my legs while putting on a dopy, adorable little smile on his face.

"That's Laura. She's my favorite out of all of them. She seems to really like you," Brandon chuckled as he quickly picked up Laura and let her play with all the other puppies.

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful puppy," I complimented as I picked a dandelion and fiddled with it.

"She is..." He paused and looked away. Brandon looked sort of sad for a while. I wondered what was bothering him. He plastered a smile on his face as soon as he saw me looking at him.

"Anyway, let's start," he got the ball as I backed my way to a fair distance away from him. He threw the ball to my direction. It zoomed past and the puppies were chasing after it. I caught it. The puppies' attention was now gained. I threw the ball back to Brandon and he caught it. We did this back and forth thing for like forever until we saw that the puppies were sweating and panting. Well, everyone except Laura. She looked the same as she did before. Then, I heard a door creak. I saw a blonde head walking the opposite direction. The fence door was wide opened. Laura followed my gaze and darted off to the door. I ran off to follow her.

"Brandon, Laura's escaping," I alerted him as he threw the ball down and followed me out the door. Laura was running off into the street. As I was crossing the street, I saw something red. It was MacKenzie's all time favorite Ravishing Red Cinnamon Twist lip gloss. OMG!! Did she open the door on purpose? There was a huge truck coming. No, I thought. I couldn't let her get ran over. I zoomed to the street with opened arms and went after her.

"NOO, NIKKI! DON'T," Brandon screamed as he tried to pull me to the sidewalk. I heard the truck honk in alarm. I got Laura and the truck zoomed past me almost taking me with it. I ducked and held a trembling, whimpering Laura safe in my arms. I heard rapid footsteps coming my direction.

"NIKKI, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? YOU KNEW THAT YOU COULD'VE HAVE GOTTEN KILLED BY THAT TRUCK. WHAT? DO YOU WANT ME TO LOSE YOU TOO?" Brandon yelled after me, shaking like crazy. Did I just hear him correctly? Was he actually scolding me for saving his beloved puppy? I couldn't believe it. Yes, I basically risked my life, but to save something else? I just looked at him with an I-can't-believe-you-just-said-that-to-me look on my face. I quickly boiled with anger. I stormed off to the sidewalk.

"Nikki, wait. I didn't mean to..." he started to follow me. I just kept going on and quickly navigated myself to Chloe's house. I was too angry at him to talk about it right this instance. I knew Brandon wasn't following me anymore since all I heard were my own footsteps. I knocked on Chloe's door and she opened. She immediately sensed that I was mad.

"What's wrong, Nikki?"

"I'll tell you but in your room," I replied. We made our way upstairs and I explained my entire story to her. She just gaped at me once I finished.

"Whoa, you almost died! Why did you even save the dog in the first place?"

"Well, she somehow was important to Brandon. Like, if anything happened to her, he would be heartbroken. Laura was special to him," I mumbled.

"But, think about Nikki. Would he be more heartbroken if the dog was killed or you? I think he had the right to freak out. But I do understand why you would do that. Sure, it was a stupid thing to do but it would've been worth it if you at least saved the dog," Chloe looked at me in this wise expression of hers. Come to think of it, she was right. If I were Brandon, I would've definitely do that. But I felt proud of what I did.

For the rest of the day, Chloe and I just hung out and painted our nails and did other stuff like that. I still pondered on the thought that I would've been killed if that truck came about a second before I got out of the way. But something else hit me. This all wouldn't have happened if that door wasn't opened. And I swore that that lip gloss was MacKenzie's since only she can afford such wondrous and expensive lip gloss that was. My fight with Brandon would've never happened if it weren't for MacKenzie!!

A/N Ok, I know it's a sorta ridiculous thing to be mad about but Nikki is known to be a lil' overdramatic so sorry to anyone who thinks it's stupid. So what do you think should happen? Should Nikki just make up with Brandon or will she continue to be mad at him? Please comment your answers and vote! Thx!! 

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