Point Of No Return

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You know us. You know how we are all connected. But there are backstroke a you don't know. You know how the Shadow came to be. You know how the 5 kingdoms have fallen. You know the story of the twins. You know stories, bits and pieces of a horse named Blueskies. But you don't know her backstory. Not in full. There are things you would only dream of. I know. Because I was her best friend. All her family is dead. So I a, the one telling you how this all started. From a view on the sidelines, she had everything. And I had nothing. Of all those to pick a best friend from, she chose me. Sure you've probably heard of the queen. But that isn't her mother. No. Her mom was a strong Pegasus named Everblue. Her father was a unicorn named Haziedays. Blue had a brother. He was a unicorn named Aquaskies. Other than not having wings, he looked exactly like Blueskies. Her older brother was the most protected by her. Now how did she become an alicorn? She was naturally born. The alicorn race supposedly started with her. But actually, it didn't. An ancestor, Elevandoria, the first alicorn put her essence in a family. Until the right one was born, the essence never made an alicorn. Until our queen. Blueskies. The strongest of all. In more ways than one.

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