The 5 Kingdoms Fallen

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Five kingdoms of forever ago. The first kingdom being of the sunset valley. The second kingdom being of the waters. The third kingdom being of the enchanted meadows. The fourth being of those who thrived in the skies. And the last kingdom, kingdom five, being the one of the fire. In the middle where these kingdoms would meet was the castle of the five fallen kingdoms. Where villages combined and Blueskies lived. I've lived there too. With her. Two best friends, the queen's brother, and a reformed dracon. Me zereliah darkheart, a small village pony, and a queen. Best friends. We were once. I cry to the moon sometimes. Though they all tell me she will come back one day. I know she will. But only if they survive this. Only if they defeat the final evil and get out alive. But for now, I am left to lead the kingdoms, until they return. But what happens if they don't? Will I lead forever? Am I next in line for this? I'm what caused this all to happen. But it was never truly my fault. The final evil had its way with me. I was a prisoner in myself. A ghost in my own body. Now I will do whatever it takes to protect her kingdoms. I will be Zereliah Darkheart of kingdom one. Leading in the castle of the five fallen kingdoms while I cry to the moon. And hope that she will return someday soon. And so she does not become one of those who have fallen for us. Asorah the fallen. The clan of Excalibur. Demonslayer. The clan of kingdom White Rose. All the pegasi, unicorns, dragons, horses and fallen angels that have died for this kingdom. One more to add to the lost would be one more too many to fall. Please don't let this truly end a story. Return soon my friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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