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The next day, Stiles couldn't stop thinking about Theo. He couldn't believe that Theo was actually gay, and thought he could have just been doing it in order to get to him. Theo was up to something and Stiles knew he'd have to be the one to stop him.

He sat at the lunch table, chewing on a ham sandwich when Theo sat down next to him, a smug look on his face. "Hey, last night was fun, wanna do it again?" He wondered.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Cut the crap Theo. What are you really up to?"

Theo thought for a moment. "Well, at the moment, I'm up to getting you to go on a date with me, and maybe... I don't know... sex later." he replied.

Stiles glared at him. "I'm never going on a date with you, nor will I ever even think about having sex with you!" He said coldly.

Theo returned the glare. "Don't worry, Stilinski, I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other guys willing to screw around with me," he picked up his tray and walked away to another table.

Stiles didn't know why, but that made him a bit jealous. He knew he didn't like Theo's personality, but his looks weren't too bad.

Later that day, Stiles walked into Mr. Williams class, where Theo already was. He took his seat and Theo just rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Stiles mumbled.

Theo looked up at him, "You're what?" He asked, a puzzled look on his face.

"I- I said I was sorry," Stiles repeated, a bit more urge in his voice.

Theo chuckled. "I know, I just wanted to hear you say it again."

Stiles smiled, playfully nudging Theo. "Do you, ya know, wanna still go on that date?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah, how does the Natural History of Los Angeles sound? You know, we could go pick out our topic for the project, gets some background information, and then have sex," Theo explained.

Stiles scuffed, "Does everything we do have to involve sex?"

"Did you just say 'we'?" Theo gasped. "So, are we like a thing now?"

"You're funny," he said sarcastically. "No."

"Me. Stilinski!" Williams called out from the front of the room. He love embarrassing Stiles, and made it one of his priorities during the day. Stiles looked up and glared. "Why don't you enlighten your classmates on the topic you and Theo have chosen? I'm sure it'll be fascinating!" He smirked.

When Stiles couldn't think of anything to say, Theo stepped up to bat. "LGBT social movements," he answered slyly.

Mr. Williams looked deadpanned. "Excuse me?" He inquired.

"What? Did you not hear me, or is it that you're uncomfortable with the subject? I mean, you did tell us we could pick any topic we wanted, am I wrong?" Theo challenged.

Williams began to stir. "There's nothing wrong with the topic, I just expected something a bit different."

Theo smiled. "Different? But isn't this American history class? I do believe that LGBT rights go back into the late eighties early nineties, and we're still fighting for equal rights."

"Alright, then, I can't wait to see how you and Stiles do with your presentation," was all he said for the rest of the class period.

When they exited the classroom, everyone began to praise Theo. What he did in that classroom, would go down in history. While Theo was being cheered for, Stiles parted from the crowd and headed to his locker.

Theo ran up to Stiles, who didn't look too happy. "Hey, what's up?" He asked concerned.

"What's up?" He repeated the question, venom in the words as he spoke. "Theo, I didn't need your help back there!"

"Well, it seemed like you did. 'Cause all you seemed to be able to do was just sit there like a lump on a log!" He fired back.

"I can fight my own battles, okay? I don't need you speaking for me!" Stiles continued.

"Fine, but maybe you need someone speaking for you, because everything you seem to say just sound inconsiderate!" He said.

"How is telling you I can speak for myself inconsiderate?" Stiles raised and eyebrow, slamming his locker shut.

"I saved your ass back there and you can't even say a simple 'thank you'!" He protested.

"Thanks Theo... for being a real dick!" Stiles raged, pushing Theo backwards.

Theo used his supernatural strength and shoved Stiles into a row of lockers, his head making a nasty cracking noise. His books were scattered all around the floor as Stiles felt the back and winced when he touched a lump that began to swell. Theo immediately felt regret for doing what he did.

"I- I'm so sorry, Stiles," he stuttered out.

Stiles swallowed the lump in his throat and blinked away the tears. "I, um, I'm f- fine," he stood up straight, picking up his books.

Theo tried to give him a hand, but Stiles flinched and moved away quickly. He finished picking up his books and silently walked off, not bothering to look back.

Theo messed up. Clearly.

Ahh!! It's been so long and I realize imma get so much hate for being inactive!! For starters, I would like to apologize for my vacancy!!! I would like to thank you all for your amazing support, because it means the world to me knowing that people actually enjoy my writing!! I love you all to death and I promise I'll try to update as often as possible!!

Oh, oh, oh!!! And if you guys could give me any suggestions in the comments on what you would like to see happen, or if you would want Theo and Stiles to get over this fight have it evolve into something bigger. In all honesty, I've got no idea what I'm doing anymore!!!Yours, VoidSteo.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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