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When Yoongi walked into school the next day, classes already being halfway over by the time he managed to show up, he had dark bags under his eyes and pale skin covered by a large white hoodie. Hoseok caught sight of his friend, waving with a wide smile before noticing the boy's appearance. His smile vanished and he cautiously walked over to get a closer look.

"What's up with your face?" The younger gasped as Yoongi looked up upon hearing the sound of his voice. There was a hefty scratch mark adorning the blonde's cheek, the red line contrasting harshly against his pasty complexion.

"My mom freaked me out yesterday. She totally flipped out just because I wouldn't call Yuri back. I didn't really get much sleep last night."

"And... She hit you?" Hoseok questioned hesitantly, frowning at the scratch mark worriedly. Yoongi simply shrugged, pulling up his backpack strap before continuing his trudge down the hallway. The other quickly followed, catching up with the older male's fast pace to walk beside him.

"I think she's back on pills. Remember when she became violent after taking that prescription of oxycontin last year?"

Hoseok nodded, shuddering at the memory. "She only stopped taking them after pushing you down the stairs. I thought you were a goner, hyung! That was scary... But, didn't she promise she'd never do that to you again?"

Yoongi sighed. "Well I guess she's a liar. Shocker."

"What a backstabbing junkie." Hoseok huffed, patting Yoongi's shoulder in hopes of comforting him. "I'm sorry man. If you ever need me, just send a text and I'll swoop in and save your ass like some corny superhero out of those comic books Namjoon likes to read. And you're always welcome to crash at my place anytime!"


"Don't worry about it. You can get through this, Yoongi. You did last time."

Yoongi nodded lazily, a hoarse yawn escaping from his throat. He wasn't really focusing on Hoseok's words, the idea of sleep having too much control over his mind as his heavy eyelids struggled to stay open long enough not to run into a locker or something of the sorts. His friend sent him one more concerned glance before bidding him goodbye and making his way to his next class.

The blonde haired boy looked around the empty hallways deliriously. He couldn't even tell what period was in session, let alone how to get to it. After a few minutes of trying to concentrate on where he was he gave up, slumping against a random wall and sliding down until his butt hit the dirty tiled floor.

Somehow, his last thought before drifting into unconsciousness was of a certain red headed boy, and where that boy could've possibly been at that moment.


Meanwhile, Jimin made his way down the hallway in a steady rhythm, excited to get to 6th period so him and Yoongi could continue working on said boy's art project. Neither Jungkook nor Taehyung showed up to school that day, so he was noticeably disheartened during lunch to show up to an empty cafeteria table where his best friends usually sat. Eating alone was not very fun.

But the thought of talking to his fluffy blonde haired hyung again lifted his mood considerably. He smiled, a faint blush trailing across his cheeks, as he held his folder of sketches closer to his chest.

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