Chapter 5- When I held your Hand and stared into your Eyes

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Chapter 5- when I held your hand and stared into your eyes


*Austins Point of View*

I'm gonna go for a drive, let my mind off of things! I thought that maybe the two of us could work! I don't even know about my life anymore!


*Zachs Point of View*

"Sorry about Austin Maiya! Don't take it personally! He's got a temper..."

"Its okay, i'm used to being around people like that..." maiya told me. I wonder what thats supposed to mean? Well whatever!


Maiya had nothing better to do so we just hung out with her (by us I mean me, Alex, and Rob). She's actually a pretty cool girl! She isn't one of those crazy fangirls (so I think) that only talks about us and Austin. She actually talks about normal people stuff! And she's not crying cause she met us! That's a biggy!


Writers note: Btw's no hate to the girls who cry when they meet Austin! I would too! Thats just what I want the story to say! I'm not hatin', don't worry!


Good Lord, Austin finally came back after being out for like 6 hours! But obviously he doesn't want to talk cause he barged throught the door, and went straight to his room!

Me, Rob, and Alex have all tried talking to him! He really needs to lighten up. The three of us know why he's mad, but he shouldn't be going completley crazy over this! Maybe we should get Maiya to talk to him, "Hey Maiya..."

"Hmm?" she answered half asleep on the floor.

"Could you do us a huge favour?"


"NO, no, don't worry! Calm down! We would never ask you to do that!"

"Oh. Well what then?" she was so harmless.

"Could you possibly, maybe, talk to Austin for us? He is really mad, and down as you can see! And well, we thought-"

Alex interupted me, "Actually YOU thought Zach! Me and Rob didn't know about this!"

"Okay, well I thought that maybe he'd open up to you!"

"But, why would he talk to me? We've only known eachother for a day, and plus we've only talked like twice! I don't think I'm qualified for this!" she was worried.

"Hey, don't worry! We've only known you for the same amount of time and its like we're already best friends! If we are like that, im sure Austin feels like that!"

Maiya was thinking deeply, "...Okay, fine...Is he in his room?"

"Yup!" she started heading to his room, "Oh, wait! We will be waiting in Robs room if you need us!"

Ya, no we won't! We gonna eaves drop on there conversation!

*Maiya's Point of View*

God, I have no clue why Austin is all angry like. But i'll give it a shot! I just hope he doesn't start yelling at me, cause that will cause me to start yelling at him and then I will probably scare him cause I'm a monster when I'm mad!

Woo, okay! WAIT WHAT? Why am I nervous!? I honestly shouldn't be!


Oh shit that was loud!

...he's not answering. Maybe he's on the john! God, probably not, "Um, Austin?"

"Go away!" He mummbled.

"Austin, can we talk?"

"NO, there's NOTHING to talk about!" he's getting snippy.

"Well, can you just tell me why your acting all wierd?"

"No! GO FUCKING AWAY!" Shit he's yelling! I have to calm myself down.

"Please Austin, please...." I started crying, i'm such a freaking sensative.

On the other side of the door I heard some shuffling, and then foot steps coming closer to the door.

*Austins Point of View*

No, she's crying! I'm such a dick!

I tryed my hardest to untangle myself from all the blankets I engulfed myself in and quickly ran over to the door and swung it open. She was sitting on the ground hugging her knees, "Maiya, shh! Don't cry! Please, I'm sorry!" God i'm an idiot, "shhh...I'm sorry.." I whispered into her ear.

"Your sorry?" She looked confused, "Why are you sorry? I'm the one who should be sorry! I break down crying at stupid fucking things!"

"Well... why were you crying?"

"I just didn't like seeing you upset!" she looked at her feet.

I smiled and looked at my feet, "I don't think that's stupid!"

She smiled the first real smile I've seen her wear this whole day I've known her. "Ha," we were staring in eachothers eyes now, " uhh, are you gonna tell me wh-"

I grabbed both of her hands. I'm not even thinking, I'm just doing.

I kept one of my hands holding hers, and the other cupped her face and slowly rubbed her cheek. Our eyes havn't seperated.

My body slowly started to lean in, I couldn't even stop myself.

Our lips touched, we slowly started making out. Her lips are soft and sweet, and taste like mint. We've been standing here for at least 5 minutes.

She stopped kissing back. I slowly leaned away, terror was all you could see in her eyes.

She colapsed to the floor and started crying. She grabbed her knees, and started rocking back and forth.

For the life of me I can't calm her down! NOW WHAT DID I DO?

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