Chapter 10- Is There A Way I Can Make You Understand

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Chapter 10- Is There A Way I Can Make You Understand

If you guys havn't noticed, I like to put lyrics from Austin's songs or old covers:-) Just wanted to make sure you guys knew that!


*Maiya's Point of View*

"Maiya, You should probably call your parents now..." Alex gave me a genuine smile. I went completley pail and gulped.


"I can't..." I whisperd.

"You should probably call them honey! Let them know about what just happened!" Michele kindly told me.

I smiled at her, "Ya I know...but this isn't the only thing that they need to know..."

Michele tilted her head to the side, "What do you mean?"

"Ya, what do you mean?" Austin, Robert, and Zach all said in unison.

I got up and walked out of the condo. I just need a quiet place to think. I went into the emergency starewell and sat down on the steps.

I really gotta stop running away!

*Alex's Point of View*

"NOOOOOO, WHERE IS SHE GOING!? This is like the millionth time she's run off!! I don't want her going outside by herself anymore!! I have to go find her, I'm sick of this!!" Austin yelled while making his way out the door.

The three people left in the room stared at me waiting for me to speak, "The whole rape thing isn't why Maiya needs to call her parents..."

"What do you mean? Doesn't she need to tell them that?" Robert asked me.

"Well like you know how she doesn't live in Miami right?" I began.

"She doesn't live in Miami!?" Michele seemed shocked.

"Ya, she lives in Edmonton! And well anyways, she actually ran away from home! She didn't just come here for Austin's concert, she was planning on living here illegaly until she was old enough to get her citizenship!"

"That is some plan she's got goin!" Zach sounded impressed.

"Ha, It is pretty good!" I admitted, "Well I'm gonna go look for her cause you know Austin isn't the best at finding things so...see you guys in a few!"

I actually don't know where she is, I guess I'll just go to my special thinking spot! I walked into the stairwell and started to make my way down a couple of flights, "Maiya?" The person turned around and it was her, "Thank god I found you!"

"How'd you know I was in here Alex?" She asked.

"I didn't, but this just happens to be my thinking spot too!" I grinned. " gotta stop running away from your problems!"

"I know Alex, I know..." she looked at the ground. Tears started to fall from her face

I put my hand on her back, "I know you're worried about calling your parents, but you gotta do it! We will figure this out! You are gonna stay here NO MATTER WHAT!!"

She stared at me for a minute, "Okay Alex, I'm gonna call them!"

"When?" I asked her.

She pulled her phone out and shoved it in my face, "Oh, right now!"

She clicked the dial button, then the speaker phone button.*ring ring*

"Hello?" A women on the other side of the line (I'm guessing her mom) said.

"Mom?" Maiya asked.

"Maiya!? WHERE ARE YOU??" Her mom screamed into the phone.

"I'm in...Miami..." Maiya hestintly told her.

"WHAT!!!!!!!" It sounds like the women just got murderd, "YOU'RE COMING HOME NOW!!"

Maiya had tears falling from her face, "Okay..." she barely breathed out.

WHAT!? Maiya, "NO!!" I yelled, "Maiya, You're not going home!! Just stand up to your mom! She doesn't deserve you!"

"Uh, and who is this!?" Her mom sounded disgusted.

"I'm Alex! And Maiya's NOT GOING HOME!! I will become her guardian, she NEEDS to be happy!! She NEEDS to go where her heart tells her!!" I  had to stop myself from ranting.

"And what does your heart tell you Maiya? HUH?" Her mom asked her.

"Um..." She looked at me then back at the phone multiple times. Her eyes stopped on me, ".....with Alex!"

"Fine!! Are you staying over there cause you want to have sex with...Alex??" She asked.

"What!?" Me and Maiya said in sink.

"WE AREN'T DATING MOM! I only met him like 4 days ago!" Maiya yelled.

"Then why are you staying with him?" Her mom asked.

"Because he actually cares about me, he's nice to me! I'm sick of living with a dad that's never home, and a mom who barely even tries to get me help! And I hate having to be around people that just make me so ANGRY when I see there faces! I can't do this anymore!! I CAN'T KEEP ON LIVING LIKE THAT! I CAN'T FEEL LIKE CRAP A DAY LONGER!!" she stopped for a second to let out a sob, "Seeing a bright day is like staying motivated for me, it's a rare occasion! I can't live without friends! If I go back I WON'T be able to handle life cause life can't handle me in Edmonton! I need to start somewhere fresh, somewhere that doesn't make me have the urge to kill myself all day everyday! I NEED A FRESH START!! WHERE NO ONE KNOWS I'M THE MENTALLY FUCKED UP GIRL!! I NEED THIS MOM.... I need this..."

Her mom is crying as well, "If you love have to let them go...I'm sorry Maiya, I never thought about your feelings, I only thought about mine. And that meant I shut you out. I made you feel like a scum. I love you! Never forget about me or your dad! Even if it causes you pain to think about us! Never let your life go, cause it is worth so much more than you feel and we led you to believe! You were the most amazing daughter I could ask for, I'm sorry!"

Maiya's just staring into space, with a few tears rolling down her face every now and then.

"So Maiya's mom, we will send you the guardian papers as soon as we get them...bye..." With that said, I hung up the phone quickly.

I looked at Maiya, "Are you okay?"

She looked at me, "Not really..." she put her head in her hands. We sat here in silence for 30 minutes with our thoughts. I texted Austin and told him I found her so he could stop panicking.

I picked maiya up bridal style and began to walk up the stairs to our floor. I wonder what Austin is going to say about this?

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