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I cannot explain how proud I am of Jayson.... He scored somewhere close to 90 points in 4 games during this tournament and is a superb defensive rebounder. He irks my soul with his shot selections sometimes but he is super talented and I haven't seen a freshman like him. This child is doing big things and going big places. I'm gonna be really sad and heartbroken when he leaves but I really hope he stays for at least one more year. I fucking love this kid 😭😭😭❤❤
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WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!!! Super proud of these guys!!!
On an unrelated note, my bff sent me this random photo of Chase that I have to share because it's entirely TOO funny not to.
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What was he so mad at??
I have a feeling this is what went on... 👇👇👇
Chase: *squawks like a hungry baby pelican*
Jayson: Please Calm down Chase.... G, help me please.
Grayson: Chase, it's not that deep. Please quit. You're embarrassing me.
Luke: Chase, I'm gonna punch you in the face.
Another thing coming as soon as the DBP post game interview is posted on YouTube.