Blackkit was lying in her soft,warm nest in the nursery, pondering life and it's meaning. Her attention was suddenly turned when she saw Whitekit. She playing with a bundle of moss one of the apprentices had brought. Whitekit pounced into the moss, sending it flying everywhere. "Watch it mousebrain!" Foxpaw, the apprentice snarled. "Can't you see I'm trying to work? Stop messing everything up!" Foxpaw growled at her. "I was just having fun." Whitekit explained not seeing what the problem was. "Fun,fun,fun. That's your excuse for everything. Getting in the way, eating the herbs, being annoying, and making it impossible for anyone to work. I hate kits!" He ranted. Blackkit growled at him. "And you, little scrap. Get in the way and I'll claw your fur off!" Foxpaw threatened claws unsheathed. Blackkit snarled then got up, unsheathed her claws and braced for a fight. "If that happens I'll take you down and leave you with scars you won't forget." Blackkit angrily hissed. Foxpaw then angrily stormed off mumbling things under his breath. "Thanks for standing up for me." Whitekit gratefully told Blackkit. "No problem Whitekit. I hate foxhearts like him. It would have been wrong to stand there and do nothing. Well I'm gonna take a nap. See you later." Blackkit said. "See you later." Whitekit answered. Blackkit curled up in her nest and fell asleep.

Blackpaw's Discovery
FanfictionBlackpaw is a loyal Shadowclan apprentice. Life has been pretty good in thunderclan. But then cats begin to dissapear. One by one, shadowclan slowly begins to shrink. Blackpaw is determined to find out the truth.While she was thinking near twoleg pl...