Chapter 4: Orders

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"Yeah, sorry about Foxpaw. He's a filthy foxheart. I wonder if that will be his warrior name." Whitepaw chuckled. "Me too. I hope so, it explains him perfectly." Blackpaw added. She bit into the crow as Whitepaw asked," I wonder if we'll get to go to the gathering this moon." "I hope so! It's about time." Blackpaw replied to her friend. "Blackpaw, Whitepaw, your going to the gathering. Get ready to go." Deathberry, the deputy told them. "Yes! Thankyou Deathberry" Blackpaw and Whitepaw exclaimed at the same time. Then Deathberry nodded her head then went to go tell the other warriors that would come. "Blackpaw, Whitepaw, I'd like you to hunt before the gathering." Silverstar ordered. "Yes Silverstar!" They answered then ran off into the forest to hunt.

Sorry this chapters short! I'll make a longer one next.

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